Assessment, CANVAS and the iPad By Carey Schroyer and Tom Brazuinas
Presentation Outline Using mobile devices to assess student work Overview of CANVAS Overview of Speedgrader for the iPad Speedgrader iPad Basics Demo of how Speedgrader can be used to access real time class work Linking your course outcomes to the Gen Ed outcomes
Using Mobile Devices in the Classroom One of the difficulties with using an iPad (or any mobile device) in education is trying to figure out how to use it effectively to assess or deliver student content. In terms of assessment, (I think) it requires effective collection of student work, a mechanism for providing meaningful feedback and returning student work in an easy and time effective manner. Establish criteria to use for evaluating the effective use of a mobile device/system for assessing student work.
Carey’s Criteria for using Mobile Devices Effectively to Assess Student Work It must work every time. It must be relatively easy to learn to use (for both students and faculty). Students must be able to submit different types of work; i.e. PDF files Pages/Keynote/Numbers Documents Images Movies and instructors must be able to access it with ease. Turning in files must be relatively quick and easy for students to submit and instructors to access. Teachers must have a way to assign a specific grade to an assignment and be able to provide meaningful feedback that will increase student success and help improve student outcomes.
CANVAS Why CANVAS works (aka how it meets my criteria). I can post assignments with directions, attachments, rubrics and due dates. Within my assignment page I can upload virtually any file type including: movies, keynote/powerpoint slides, word/pages documents or excel/numbers files that they may need to complete the assignment. I can set a due date and time for each assignment. Assignments that are submitted after the due date a marked late and highlighted as such in your grade book for quick reference.
CANVAS and Speedgrader Once students have submitted their work, Speedgrader allows me to view, assess and provide feedback to my students. The Canvas Speedgrader allows for quick and seamless teacher feedback. There are two ways to use the Speedgrader program: The iOS App A browser version on your PC or Mac. The iOS App, although more limited, is truly a speed grader. Instructors can view the student submitted assignments, add generalized comments, assess using a number of different rubric styles, or just input a grade for the assignment. Files upload quickly and are easy to view, read and asses. Flipping from one student to the next is easy; all you have to do is swipe left or right.
Overview of CANVAS for the iPad CANVAS iPad App: Allows you to take your Canvas content goes everywhere with you on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch so you can … View your Canvas activity stream Stay on top of your to do items View your course schedule and syllabus Read and participate in course discussion Read, create, and reply to Conversations Study and navigate course pages View grades for your courses and individual assignments View submissions and participate in comment discussions with your students, co-instructors, etc. Access and participate in CANVAS groups If you didn’t get that: let’s watch a video: Canvas-for-iOS Canvas-for-iOS
Overview of the Speedgrader App for the iPad Speedgrader iPad App: Allows you to put away the stacks of paper and grab your iPad and grade your assignments anywhere with ease. You can… View Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, and HTML documents and more View photo and video submissions Listen to audio submissions Make video, audio, and text comments to students Grade using different methods including a simple point scale or a complex rubric Open documents in other native iPad apps Speedgrader for the iPad, Canvas User Guide: do-i-use-the-speedgrader-for-ipad-app do-i-use-the-speedgrader-for-ipad-app
Speedgrader Basics 1. Download App on Itunes 2. Log into your CANVAS account – use your school’s CANVAS url to log in (i.e. and your CANVAS password 3. Access your CANVAS class 4. Choose the assessment/assignment you want to grade 5. Click on the assignment and begin grading. Note the upper right corner. You can add comments directly by typing them into the window or you can add audio and/or video comments.
Speedgrader Basics Continued When an assignment is opened in the SpeedGrader™, you can: 1. Toggle between different student submissions 2. View different versions of an assignment submission 3. View associated submission files (only appears for assignments that allow file uploads) 4. Submit comments: either written, audio, or audio/visual 5. Grade student submissions 6. Open Assignments in Native Apps
Speedgrader Basics Continued Instructor Comments can be given by… Written Text Audio Audio/Visual Combination
Example of Classroom Use iPad and Speedgrader can be used to grade and record in class lab activities in real time. This helps students understand how they are graded and provides an opportunity for discussion, immediate feedback and real time improvement. Benefits: convenient, reduces redundancy, provides students with immediate feedback, reduces waste and unnecessary storage requirements, etc. Challenges: Wi-Fi dependent, security/theft
Microbiology Gram Stain Grading Students prepare Gram stains slides in class. I can use iPad and Speedgrader to grade the slides in real time. I use a simple rubric that was previously loaded into the CANVAS assignment (from my desktop). I can provide written comments, verbal comments, and/or verbal/visual comments (I avoid this combo).
Demonstration In class Microbiology Lab Activity Grading: Using Speedgrader on an iPad Grades using a Rubric Typed Comments Audio/Video Comments (It really is easy!)
Linking Assignment Outcomes to Gen Ed Outcomes Tom will now provide specifics about how to link your assignment outcomes to North’s General Ed outcomes via Tegrity Video 1. Video 1 -- ELOs, Rubrics & Canvas: The Student Experience 2. Video 2 -- ELOs, Rubrics & Canvas: The Grading Experience 3. Video 3 -- ELOs, Rubrics & Canvas: Accessing Analytics 4. Video 4 -- ELOs, Rubrics & Canvas: Building Outcomes in Canvas
Thank You for Attending If you have questions about the Speedgrader App for iPads or linking your assignment outcomes to North’s Gen Ed outcomes please contact your elearning department. Have a wonderful weekend.