Towards greater realism in inclusive fitness models: the case of worker reproduction in insect societies by Tom Wenseleers, Heikki Helanterä, Denise A. Alves, Edgar Dueñez-Guzmán, and Pekka Pamilo Biology Letters Volume 9(6): December 23, 2013 ©2013 by The Royal Society
Areas of parameter space (defined by the proportion of the queen's eggs that are female f and sister–sister relatedness r) that allow invasion of worker reproduction and policing in a population where worker reproduction is initially absent (ψ ≈ 0) (cf. tab... Tom Wenseleers et al. Biol. Lett. 2013;9: ©2013 by The Royal Society
ESS proportions of the males that are workers' sons (ψ) predicted by collective worker interests in colonies headed by a single monandrous queen (r = 3/4) as a function of the proportion of the queen's eggs that are female (f) according to (i) Model 1a (blu... Tom Wenseleers et al. Biol. Lett. 2013;9: ©2013 by The Royal Society