11 The legal framework on the disposal of intermediate level waste in Russian Federation Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Anna Mishagina September 2013 г., IAEA, Austria
22 Federal Law «On Radioactive Waste Management» Unified State System for Radioactive Waste Management Regulations on VLLW, LLW, ILW Disposal: revision and development of Federal Norms and Rules Contents Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety
33 Hierarchy of laws and regulations Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety International Agreements Federal Laws №170-FZ «On the Use of Atomic Energy», №190-FZ «On Management of Radioactive Waste and Revisions in Certain Legal Acts of the Russian Federation» etc. Federal Laws №170-FZ «On the Use of Atomic Energy», №190-FZ «On Management of Radioactive Waste and Revisions in Certain Legal Acts of the Russian Federation» etc. Legal Acts of the President and the Government of Russia Legal Acts of the President and the Government of Russia Federal regulations (norms and rules) Predisposal Disposal of RAW Federal norms and rules for waste management (Minzdrav of Russia, State Atomic Energy Corporation «Rosatom») Federal norms and rules for waste management (Minzdrav of Russia, State Atomic Energy Corporation «Rosatom»)
44 Unified State System for radioactive waste management Purpose and principles of functioning - priority to protection of human health and life for the present and future generations and of the environment; - consideration of interdependency of RAW generation and management stages until disposal -information availability Development stages - development of the regulatory framework and organizational basis - initial registration of radioactive waste and sites their allocation; - development of radioactive waste disposal facilities ( including disposal of VLLW, LLW, ILW ). Radioactive waste management and disposal provisions Classification of radioactive waste (introduced by the Government ) Obligation for radioactive waste final disposal National Operator for Radioactive Waste Management Financial provisions of radioactive waste management Radioactive waste export and import Federal Law «On Radioactive Waste Management»: overview Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety
5 Basic terms definition RAW classification special RAW and Retrievable (disposable) RAW classes of Retrievable RAW (based on disposal option) For Special (nonretrievable) RAW: emplacement site and site for conservation Deep well injection of liquid LLW and ILW on operating sites Main statements of Federal Law «On Radioactive Waste Management» Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety
6 “Unified State System for radioactive waste management is to be developed to organize and provide safe and economically effective RAW management, including their disposal” (Article 10) “Institutions which activity results in RAW generation are responsible for providing safety for RAW management up to their delivery to the National Operator” (Article 10) “Radioactive wastes... are subject to mandatory disposal in disposal facilities” (Article 12) Main statements of Federal Law «On Radioactive Waste Management» Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety
7 “Radioactive waste generated before the date when this Federal Law entered into force (except of radioactive waste containing nuclear material that could exclusively be in the federal ownership), are owned by the organization, in result of which activity they were generated” (Article 9) “The national operator ensures safe management of the waste accepted for disposal” (Article 20) Main statements of Federal Law «On Radioactive Waste Management» Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety
8 Development of the Unified State System for RWM National Operator for Radioactive Waste Management has been identified; Radioactive waste registration has been started; 3 disposal sites for liquid RAW deep well injection has been transferred into the ownership of the National Operator; Regulatory support Development and approval of the Governmental Decrees - procedure and timescale for development of the Unified State System for RWM and establishment of the National Operator for Radioactive Waste Management; - tariff regulation of RAW disposal and establishment of pricing principles; - initial radioactive waste registration; - radioactive waste classification system Revision of federal rules and regulations as well as safety guidelines in the field of RAW management Federal Law «On Radioactive Waste Management»: implementation Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety
Development of the Unified State System for RWM Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety RWM USS Development of the regulatory and institutional framework Development of disposal system for very low, low and intermediate level radioactive waste Development of disposal system for high level radioactive waste 1 stage - to stage – to stage - to Art. 11 of Federal Low from № 190-FL p. 4 of the Government Decree from № 1185 «On the determination of the order and timing of creating a unified system of radioactive waste management» Within 10 years disposal facilities for VLW, LLW, ILW, HLW shall be constructed to meet the needs of the nuclear industry in the infrastructure for final isolation of radioactive waste
Decree by the Government of the Russian Federation ( №1185) «About definition of an order and periods of creation of Unified State System for radioactive waste management » (concerning creation of objects for disposal RAW) Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Stage 1 (till ) -territorial planning schemes for RAW disposal facilities siting to be defined; - cost rate (tariffs) for RAW disposal to be established; - federal norms, rules and regulatory documents necessary for establishment of Unified State System for radioactive waste management to be developed and determined; - initial registration of RAW and its location to be realized; - prognosis of RAW generation to be done.
Decree by the Government of the Russian Federation ( №1185) «About definition of an order and periods of creation of Unified State System for radioactive waste management » (concerning creation of objects for disposal RAW) Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Stage 2 (till ) The system of LLW and ILW disposal to be developed - decision on construction of waste disposal facilities according to the scheme of territorial planning of RAW disposal facilities siting to be made; - first primary disposal facilities for LLW and ILW to be planed, constructed and commissioned
Decree by the Government of the Russian Federation ( №1185) «About definition of an order and periods of creation of Unified State System for radioactive waste management » (concerning creation of objects for disposal RAW) Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Stage 3 (till ) The system of HLW disposal facilities to be developed; - objects of underground research laboratory to be commissioned; - disposal facilities for LLW and ILW to be commissioned and disposal of these types of waste by the volume up to m 3 to be realized.
Registration and accounting in field of RWM Cost planning for RWM Evaluation of the obligations on WM RAW Generators* State registration and control of RM and RAW Generated RAW Accumulated RAW National Operator RAW Management State Managing Body State supervision * Specialized organizations Technical policy in the field of RWM Territorial planning scheme (in terms of RAW) Organizational Structure of the Unified State RAW Management System Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety
14 Initial RAW Registration Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Initial RAW registration is provisioned in the Article 23 of the Federal Law “On Radioactive Waste Management” and will be implemented during the first phase of development of the a unified state system of radioactive waste management starting from the January 15, 2013 till December 31, 2014 inclusively. The surveys will be carried out in all facilities having radioactive waste that are subject for the initial registration. Based on the survey results special commissions will draw up the acts of initial registration, on the basis of which proposals will be developed to classify radioactive waste storage facility into a particular category of radioactive waste storage facilities. The State Corporation "Rosatom" has confirmed the schedule for survey and initial registration of the storage facilities (sites) for radioactive waste generated before The schedule was developed in accordance with the Governmental Resolution from № 767 "On carrying out the initial registration of radioactive waste"
15 Initial RAW Registration Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Initial RAW registration will provide the necessary information to form a registry of radioactive waste and the inventory of the radioactive waste storage facilities (sites). From a legal point of view, the initial RAW registration will allow: To assign the status of “accumulated waste” to the waste generated before the Federal Law “On Radioactive Waste Management” has entered into force To define the categories and types of storage facilities and of the accumulated RAW according to the new Russian legal framework (retrievable and special waste, the temporary and long-term storage, sites of emplacement and sites of conservation of special waste). Type of radioactive waste and of the category of radioactive waste storage facility are crucial for planning of treatment of previously accumulated waste in accordance with the requirements of the Article 24 of the Federal Law “On Radioactive Waste Management.”
Initial Registration and Survey of RAW Storage Facilities Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Survey EBS Upgrade, Additional Barriers On Site Disposal Waste Retrieval Treatment and Conditioning Interim Storage Transportation Disposal in Regional Disposal Facility Storage Facility Special RAW Retrievable RAW Site of sRAW Emplacement Site of sRAW Conservation If meet safety requirements
17 Regulations of VLLW, LLW, ILW disposal Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety The criterions for classification of RAW are given in the Decree №1069 from by the Government of the Russian Federation «On criteria for classifying solid, liquid or gaseous waste to radioactive waste, criteria for classifying radioactive waste to special and removable RAW and criteria for classification of removable RAW».
Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Criteria for classifying radioactive waste to special and retrievable RAW Special RAW The collective effective dose for the entire period of the potential danger The risk of potential exposure The collective effective dose for the entire period of the potential danger The risk of potential exposure Retrievable RAW RAW, including: RAW generated: in result of implementation of the state program of armaments and state defense order In result of the use of nuclear weapon for peaceful purposes In result of nuclear and (or) radiation accident in nuclear facility liquid RAW, accumulated in surface water-storage facilities, totaling more than m 3, commissioned before the entry into force of the Federal Law "On the treatment of waste...", as well as the sediments of the storage reservoirs meet the following criteria: RAW, including: RAW generated: in result of implementation of the state program of armaments and state defense order In result of the use of nuclear weapon for peaceful purposes In result of nuclear and (or) radiation accident in nuclear facility liquid RAW, accumulated in surface water-storage facilities, totaling more than m 3, commissioned before the entry into force of the Federal Law "On the treatment of waste...", as well as the sediments of the storage reservoirs meet the following criteria: The cost of moving away, processing, conditioning, transportation to disposal facility and disposal of radioactive waste Moving away On site disposal The size of the possible harm to the environment The cost of disposal of radioactive waste, including conversion Site of sRAW to RAW disposal facility, its operation and closing, its safety over the period of the potential danger The size of the possible harm to the environment The cost of disposal of radioactive waste, including conversion Site of sRAW to RAW disposal facility, its operation and closing, its safety over the period of the potential danger RAW storage and its sanitary protection zone located outside the boundaries of settlements, protected areas, coastal protection strips and water protection zones of water bodies, and other security protection zones RAW hasn't been placed to special RAW > > On site disposal Moving away
Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Criteria for classifying retrievable RAW Class 1 Solid RAW: materials equipment products solidified liquid RAW Solid RAW: materials equipment products solidified liquid RAW RAW, resulting from the extraction and processing of uranium ores and mineral and organic materials with a high content of natural radionuclides Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 HLW: >10 11 Bq/g - T >10 7 Bq/g - β (except for T) >10 6 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) >10 5 Bq/g - t/u HLW: >10 11 Bq/g - T >10 7 Bq/g - β (except for T) >10 6 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) >10 5 Bq/g - t/u Disposal in deep disposal facility after storage before decay to increase heat generation Solid RAW : materials equipment products ground solidified liquid RAW DSRS of 1 и 2 categories Solid RAW : materials equipment products ground solidified liquid RAW DSRS of 1 и 2 categories HLW: >10 11 Bq/g - T >10 7 Bq/g - β (except for T) >10 6 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) >10 5 Bq/g – t/uу Long-lived ILW: 10 8 ÷10 11 Bq/g - T 10 4 ÷10 7 Bq/g - β (except for T) 10 3 ÷10 6 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) 10 2 ÷10 5 Bq/g – t/u HLW: >10 11 Bq/g - T >10 7 Bq/g - β (except for T) >10 6 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) >10 5 Bq/g – t/uу Long-lived ILW: 10 8 ÷10 11 Bq/g - T 10 4 ÷10 7 Bq/g - β (except for T) 10 3 ÷10 6 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) 10 2 ÷10 5 Bq/g – t/u Disposal in deep disposal facility Solid RAW: materials equipment products ground solidified liquid RAW DSRS of category 3 Solid RAW: materials equipment products ground solidified liquid RAW DSRS of category 3 ILW: 10 8 ÷10 11 Bq/g - T 10 4 ÷10 7 Bq/g - β (except for T) 10 3 ÷10 6 Bq/g - α(except for t/u) 10 2 ÷10 5 Bq/g – t/uу Long-lived LLW: 10 7 ÷10 8 Bq/g - T 10 3 ÷10 4 Bq/g - β (except for T) 10 2 ÷10 3 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) 10 1 ÷10 2 Bq/g – t/u ILW: 10 8 ÷10 11 Bq/g - T 10 4 ÷10 7 Bq/g - β (except for T) 10 3 ÷10 6 Bq/g - α(except for t/u) 10 2 ÷10 5 Bq/g – t/uу Long-lived LLW: 10 7 ÷10 8 Bq/g - T 10 3 ÷10 4 Bq/g - β (except for T) 10 2 ÷10 3 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) 10 1 ÷10 2 Bq/g – t/u Disposal in near-surface disposal facility (till 100 m depth) Solid RAW: materials equipment products биологические объекты ground solidified liquid RAW DSRS of category 3 Solid RAW: materials equipment products биологические объекты ground solidified liquid RAW DSRS of category 3 LLW: 10 7 ÷10 8 Bq/g - T 10 3 ÷10 4 Bq/g - β (except for T) 10 2 ÷10 3 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) 10 1 ÷10 2 Bq/g – t/u VLLW: <10 7 Bq/g - T <10 3 Bq/g - β (except for T) <10 2 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) <10 1 Bq/g – t/u LLW: 10 7 ÷10 8 Bq/g - T 10 3 ÷10 4 Bq/g - β (except for T) 10 2 ÷10 3 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) 10 1 ÷10 2 Bq/g – t/u VLLW: <10 7 Bq/g - T <10 3 Bq/g - β (except for T) <10 2 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) <10 1 Bq/g – t/u Disposal in near-surface disposal facility at ground level Liquid RAW: organic and inorganic liquids, pulps, muds Liquid RAW: organic and inorganic liquids, pulps, muds ILW: 10 4 ÷10 8 Bq/g - T 10 3 ÷10 7 Bq/g - β (except for T) 10 2 ÷10 6 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) 10 1 ÷10 5 Bq/g – t/u LLW: <10 4 Bq/g - T <10 3 Bq/g - β (except for T) <10 2 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) <10 1 Bq/g – t/u ILW: 10 4 ÷10 8 Bq/g - T 10 3 ÷10 7 Bq/g - β (except for T) 10 2 ÷10 6 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) 10 1 ÷10 5 Bq/g – t/u LLW: <10 4 Bq/g - T <10 3 Bq/g - β (except for T) <10 2 Bq/g - α (except for t/u) <10 1 Bq/g – t/u Disposal in existing deep well injection disposal facilities Disposal in near-surface disposal facility
20 Federal norms for RAW disposal Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Radioactive Waste Management Safety. General Provisions NP Radioactive Waste Management Safety. General Provisions NP Disposal of radioactive wastes. Principles, criteria and main requirements of safety NP Disposal of radioactive wastes. Principles, criteria and main requirements of safety NP Near-surface disposal of radioactive waste. Safety requirements. NP Near-surface disposal of radioactive waste. Safety requirements. NP Radioactive waste acceptance criteria for disposal NP-ХХX -13? Radioactive waste acceptance criteria for disposal NP-ХХX -13?
21 RAW Management Predisposal RAW management. General Safety Requirements GSR, part 5 Predisposal RAW management. General Safety Requirements GSR, part 5 Disposal of radioactive wastes. Principles, criteria and general safety requirements. NP Near-surface disposal of radioactive waste. Safety requirements. NP Near-surface disposal of radioactive waste. Safety requirements. NP Collection, treatment, storage and conditioning od Solid RAW. Safety Requirements. NP Collection, treatment, storage and conditioning od Solid RAW. Safety Requirements. NP Collection, treatment, storage and conditioning od Liquid RAW. Safety Requirements. NP Gaseous RAW Management. Safety Requirements. NP Gaseous RAW Management. Safety Requirements. NP Disposal of Radioactive Waste. Special Safety Requirement SSR-5 Disposal of Radioactive Waste. Special Safety Requirement SSR-5 Near-surface disposal. Safety Requirements WS-R-1 Safety Fundamentals SF-1 Safety Fundamentals SF-1 Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. General Provisions NP Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. General Provisions NP RAW WAC for Disposal NP-ХХ-ХХХ RAW WAC for Disposal NP-ХХ-ХХХ
22 NP-058-XX «Safety of Radioactive Waste Management. General Provisions» Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Main improvements: Terms and definitions Updated document structure: retrievable and special RAW Predisposal retrievable RAW management Disposal of retrievable RAW Waste disposal according to the RAW classification Special RAW management Justification for RAW classification as special RAW Providing safety for the special RAW emplacement sites Justification for transition of the special RAW emplacement sites into the special RAW conservation sites and into disposal sites
23 NP-055-XX Disposal of radioactive wastes. Principles, criteria and general safety requirements. NP-069-XX Near-surface disposal of radioactive waste. Safety requirements. Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Main improvements: Terms and definitions RAW classification for disposal Harmonization with NP-058-ХХ & NP-ХХХ-ХХ
24 NP-055-XX Disposal of radioactive wastes. Principles, criteria and general safety requirements. Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Provisional Contents: List of Abbreviations Basic terms and definitions 1. Purpose and Scope 2. The purpose, principles, criteria and basic requirements to ensure safety in the disposal of radioactive waste 3. Requirements to ensure the safety of the disposal of radioactive waste (Siting, operating, construction, closure) 4. Quality ensurance for RAW disposal Annexes
25 NP-069-XX Near-surface disposal of radioactive waste. Safety requirements. Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Provisional Contents: List of Abbreviations Basic terms and definitions 1. Purpose and Scope 2. General requirements 3. Safety requirements for siting of near surface RAW disposal facilities 4. Safety requirements for designing and construction of near surface RAW disposal facilities 5. Safety during the operation of near surface RAW disposal facilities 6. Safety during the closing and after closure of near surface RAW disposal facilities
26 NP-ХХХ-2013 «Radioactive waste acceptance criteria for disposal » Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Key statements: general requirements for characteristics of disposable waste forms and packages have to be established by the Federal Regulations general acceptance criteria for each waste class have to be established by the Federal Regulations for disposal into specific disposal fasility detailed waste acceptance criteria have to be developed, taking into account geological, hydro geological, climatic and other conditions of disposal facility allocation, amount of radioactive waste, disposal facilities design features, processes, etc., the timing of RAW disposal, the need for transportation. responsibilities of RAW generators and operator of disposal facilities have to be separated and clearly defined
27 NP-ХХХ-2013 «Radioactive waste acceptance criteria for disposal » Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Provisional Contents: General Provisions General requirements for disposal of solid waste: requirements for radiation characteristics of RAW packages requirements for physical and chemical RAW characteristics requirements for the final form of RAW requirements for containers and packs General requirements for disposal of liquid waste Development and validation of acceptance criteria for specific waste disposal facilities Monitoring compliance with waste acceptance criteria Documentation and passport of the package (party) of radioactive waste (solid and liquid) Applications: General WAC for each waste class (Classes 1-6)
28 Scientific and Engineering centre for Nuclear and Radiation Safety Thank you for your attention!