WANDA - project overview and status Dr. Harald Beutl via donau – Österreichische Wasserstraßen-Gesellschaft mbH Budapest, Projektstatus “WANDA” WAste management for inland Navigation on the DAnube März 2012
Why waste management for inland navigation along the Danube? Danube Navigation is mainly an international business. Volumes transported on the Danube in 2007 (in mln tons) Source: via donau, Annual report on NEA
Bilgenwasser: 15,000 m³/a
The WANDA project Programme 1st Call Priority 2: Protection and Improvement of Environment Measure 2.2: Improve prevention of environmental risks Partner 9 institutions out of 7 countries Duration 04/2009 – 03/2012 Total Budget Mio. EURO Funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF)
Categories of Ship Wastes Waste typeSymbol Oily and greasy ship wastes Other hazardous ship wastes Bulk waste Residual waste Waste paper Metal packaging Plastic packaging Clear and coloured glass
Partners & Observers
1.Ship waste management concepts harmonised by an International Framework Concept 2.Pilot actions for collection of ship waste 3.Financing model for oily and greasy ship waste 4.Harmonised Joint Action Plan for follow up activities Results
Geographical overview PilotactivitiesNational Ship Waste Management Concepts Financing Model Partner aus EU-Ländern Partner aus Nicht-EU-Ländern
Ship Waste Management Concepts 1.Aims Development of aims and measures on national level An International Framework Concept ensures harmonisation along the Danube. 2.Contents and Structure of the Concepts 1.As- Is-Analyses 2.Definitions of goals 3.Development of measures 4.Coordination with stakeholders 5.Consolidation of findings
Pilot Actions Upper Danube Region Transnational action / AT + HU / for the collection and treatment of oily and greasy ship waste. Pilot actions for other (hazardous) ship waste / AT & HU.
Example: Resultats Upper Danube Region / AT + HU 2 intervals á 22 days Linz – Budapest, Linz - Mohács Collection and Treatment of 400 m³ Bilgewater, 69 m³ used oil, > 2 other oily and greasy ship waste
3. Results & Experiences Upper Danube Region / SK Conference: „Problems of waste management for inland navigation“ / Ship Kriváň, Bratislava Development of recommendations for future activities
Collection of other hazardous ship waste - AT Photo: Hafen Wien, 2011
Hungary – Opening of a „Green Terminal „ in Baja GREEN TERMINAL
Pilot Actions – Lower Danube Region Transnational action / RO + BG / for the collection and treatment of oily and greasy ship waste. Collection of oily and greasy ship waste, recyclables, waste water and residual waste from ships in port of Galati & port of Tulcea.
Lower Danube Region / RO + BG Collection of 109 m³ oily and greasy ship waste between Giurgiu & Rousse (August 2011)
Example: Port of Galati, Romania – September 2011 54,4 m³ Bilgewater 2,35 tons garbage (+ others)
Example: Port of Tulcea – September 2011 23,3 m³ bilgewater 8,55 tons of garbage And others
Results - Summary The following key elements shall be developed along the Danube: International legally binding treaty User-friendly waste reception facilities, following harmonised standards A transnationally coordinated financing model Controlling mechanism These factors increase the risk of illegal discharges of ship waste into the waterway.
Folgeaktivitäten COnvention for WAste management for inland Navigation on the DAnube Further development of the current ship waste management system along the Danube Waste prevention Waste related to the cargo Waste from passenger vessels Infrastructure Concepts Implementation of Pilot Activities Financing Model (vignette system) River Information Services Development of an International Ship Waste Convention on the Danube with experts from the field of inland navigation, national administration and public international law “International Implementation Board”, formed by experts
…last slide…. Questions- Discussion
WANDA - project overview and status Dr. Harald Beutl via donau – Austrian Waterway Company Budapest, Thank you for your attention!