In the Shadow of Man The Story of Jane Goodall Presentation by: Anne Berkowitz, Sarah McCoy, and Joseph Yoo
Jane’s Childhood Born in 1934 England Has one younger sister, Judy Received a stuffed chimp named Jubilee as a child Graduated from high school when she was 18 Moved to London at 19 to be a secretary Saved money to travel to Kenya by boat to visit a friend; developed her love for Africa.
Getting to Tanzania Arrived in Gombe, Africa, July of 1960 Went with her mother, Vanne Worked with palaeontologist Dr. Louis S. B. Leakey
Remembering the Material What was the vantage point Goodall used to observe chimps? Which of the chimps seemed less afraid of Goodall than the others? What made Mr. McGregor easy to recognize? What was Goodall’s reason for giving the animals names rather than numbers? How long did it take her to begin recognizing different chimps?
Remembering the Material David Graybeard Goliath William Ancient Flo (Fifi, Figan, and Olly) Mr. McGregor
Key Terms to Rememeber : Anthropology Anthropocentric Metamorphosis Isomorphic Pseudomorph
DISCUSSION In the excerpt from her book, Jane Goodall shares with readers her early experiences observing chimpanzees. To judge from her success, what characteristics are necessary for someone who wishes to study animals in their natural habitat?
Discussion Describe Goodall’s attitude toward the animals she observed?
Discussion According to Goodall, “casual observers” had seen chimpanzees using objects as tools. What is the significance of her finding that chimpanzees are able to modify the tools they use?
Discussion Jane Goodall’s work with chimpanzees was the first of it’s kind. What effect do you think her studies may have had on future studies of animal behavior.
Where is she now? Jane Goodall Institute, founded 1977 Lives in Bournemouth, England, when not traveling for speaking engagements. Visits Gombe for observational purposes
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Sources Bio: Images: Questions/Discussion: In the Shadow of Man excerpt provided Additional: