1 Responsiveness to Instruction (RtI) Problem-Solving Model Tier II North Carolina Department of Public Instruction
2 Tier I Consultation Between Teachers-Parents Student Needs Resources The NC Problem Solving Model Identify Area(s) of Need Implement Plan Evaluate Develop a Plan Tier II Consultation With Other Resources Tier III Consultation with the Problem Solving Team Tier IV Consideration for EC referral 2
3 Four Tiers of Support 3
4 Tier I Tier II Tier III Tier IV Student Needs Assessment Universal Screening for ALL students 3x per year Progress Monitoring 1-2x per month Diagnostic Assessment
40 Tier II - Assessment Assessment occurs more frequently –Weekly or every other week Assessment is used to track individual student growth Assessments include diagnostic measures as well as curriculum based measurements 5
40 Tier II - PSM Repeat steps of cyclical problem-solving model Additional school personnel are involved as needed –Parent –Teacher –Teaching peer, Counselor, school psychologist, reading teacher, administrator, social worker, nurse, etc. 6
Step 1 Define the Problem Develop a behavioral (observable) definition of problem Data
8 Johnny Doe104/10/XX J. Smith3/15/XX Johnny’s oral reading fluency (ORF=24) and his overall reading level (DRA=8) are below grade level target (ORF=32, DRA=12)
Step 1 Define the Problem Develop a behavioral (observable) definition of problem Step 2 Develop an Assessment Plan Generate a hypothesis and assessment questions related to the problem Data
Step 2: Develop an Assessment Plan Review Interview Observe Test Instruction Curriculum Environment Leaner Review Interview Observe Test Review Interview Observe Test Review Interview Observe Test
Step 1 Define the Problem Develop a behavioral (observable) definition of problem Step 2 Develop an Assessment Plan Generate a hypothesis and assessment questions related to the problem Step 3 Analysis of the Assessment Plan Determine if problem is correctly defined Data
12 Johnny Doe104/10/XX J. Smith3/15/XX Johnny’s oral reading fluency (ORF=24) and his overall reading level (DRA=8) are below grade level target (ORF=32, DRA=12) Johnny is scoring below grade level on first grade oral reading fluency passages, because he is inconsistent with vowel sounds and s not blending sounds while reading.
Step 1 Define the Problem Develop a behavioral (observable) definition of problem Step 2 Develop an Assessment Plan Generate a hypothesis and assessment questions related to the problem Step 3 Analysis of the Assessment Plan Determine if problem is correctly defined Step 4 Generate a Goal Statement Specific Description of the changes expected in student behavior Data
24 Doran, George T. "There's a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management's goals and objectives." Management Review, Nov 1981, Volume 70 Issue
15 Johnny’s Goal Johnny’s current ORF score Ambitious Growth Rate (1st) = 3 words/week 6 weeks of intervention 3 words/week X 6 weeks = 18 words ___________ 42 Johnny’s GOAL 18
16 Johnny Doe104/10/XX J. Smith3/15/XX ORF=24; DRA=8/ORF=42; DRA=14 After six weeks of intervention, Johnny will correctly read 42 words/minute on a grade level reading passage. Johnny’s oral reading fluency (ORF=24) and his overall reading level (DRA=8) are below grade level target(ORF=32, DRA=12) Johnny is scoring below grade level on first grade oral reading fluency passages, because he is inconsistent with vowel sounds and is not blending sounds while reading.
Step 1 Define the Problem Develop a behavioral (observable) definition of problem Step 2 Develop an Assessment Plan Generate a hypothesis and assessment questions related to the problem Step 3 Analysis of the Assessment Plan Determine if problem is correctly defined Step 4 Generate a Goal Statement Specific Description of the changes expected in student behavior Step 5 Develop an Intervention Plan Base interventions on best practices and research- proven strategies Data
19 Johnny Doe104/10/XX J. Smith3/15/XX ORF=24; DRA=8/ORF=42; DRA=14 Mrs. White will provide encoding/decoding activities from FCRR in a one-on-one setting 2 times per week, 25 minutes per session. Mrs. Doe will continue to partner read with him 3 nights per week, 15 minutes per night. After six weeks of intervention, Johnny will correctly read 42 words/minute on a grade level reading passage. Mrs. White will provide inter- ventions and will use ORF to progress monitor on a weekly basis. Johnny’s oral reading fluency (ORF=24) and his overall reading level (DRA=8) are below grade level target (ORF=32, DRA=12) Johnny’s inconsistency with vowel sounds and lack of blending sounds causes his reading to be “choppy” and slow. 05/06/XX Phone conference with Mrs. Smith & Mrs. Doe after Mrs. Smith consulted with Mrs. White, Reading Specialist 05/06/XX
Step 1 Define the Problem Develop a behavioral (observable) definition of problem Step 2 Develop an Assessment Plan Generate a hypothesis and assessment questions related to the problem Step 3 Analysis of the Assessment Plan Determine if problem is correctly defined Step 4 Generate a Goal Statement Specific Description of the changes expected in student behavior Step 5 Develop an Intervention Plan Base interventions on best practices and research- proven strategies Step 6 Implement the Intervention Plan Provide strategies, materials, and resources: include progress monitoring Data
Step 7 Analysis of the Intervention Plan make a team decision on the effectiveness of the intervention Step 1 Define the Problem Develop a behavioral (observable) definition of problem Step 2 Develop an Assessment Plan Generate a hypothesis and assessment questions related to the problem Step 3 Analysis of the Assessment Plan Determine if problem is correctly defined Step 4 Generate a Goal Statement Specific Description of the changes expected in student behavior Step 5 Develop an Intervention Plan Base interventions on best practices and research- proven strategies Step 6 Implement the Intervention Plan Provide strategies, materials, and resources: include progress monitoring Data
23 74 ORF = 43 ; DRA = 14 Johnny Doe04/10/XX X Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Doe, Ms. White Johnny exceeded the goal of 42 correct words per minute on the grade level ORF and his DRA level is on target. Discontinue classroom interventions. Mrs. Doe will continue to partner read 3x/week, and Mrs. Smith will monitor Johnny’s progress 2x/month using ORF to ensure continued growth. NA
24 Case Study... working together 75
32 Case Study: Tier II Alejandro –8 years old –Third Grade Review case study and paperwork. As a team, complete the assignment. Review and discuss the decisions 82 25
Step 7 Analysis of the Intervention Plan make a team decision on the effectiveness of the intervention Step 1 Define the Problem Develop a behavioral (observable) definition of problem Step 2 Develop an Assessment Plan Generate a hypothesis and assessment questions related to the problem Step 3 Analysis of the Assessment Plan Determine if problem is correctly defined Step 4 Generate a Goal Statement Specific Description of the changes expected in student behavior Step 5 Develop an Intervention Plan Base interventions on best practices and research-proven strategies Step 6 Implement the Intervention Plan Provide strategies, materials, and resources: include progress monitoring Data
27 Case Study: Tier II 27 1 Define the Problem 2 Develop an Assessment Plan 3 Analysis of the Assessment Plan The teacher used quarterly benchmark assessments as an assessment method for Tier I. In Tier II, the teacher used additional diagnostic tools to further define the problem. The analysis of the Tier I assessment plan revealed a need to use more diagnostic assessments to define the area of concern. The analysis of the Tier II plan revealed specific skills of concern.
28 Case Study: Tier II 28 4 Generate a Goal Statement Possible ways to set Tier II goals : Growth on an assessment Growth rates Class average or norm Standard on a criterion referenced assessment(CBM Universal Assessment)
24 Doran, George T. "There's a S.M.A.R.T. way to write management's goals and objectives." Management Review, Nov 1981, Volume 70 Issue
30 Case Study: Tier I 30 5 Develop an Intervention Plan The parent, teacher, and members of RtI Team collaborated to develop an intervention plan. Change in intervention from Tier I to Tier II Method to monitor student progress during intervention 6 Implement the Intervention Plan
31 Case Study: Tier I 31 6 Decision Making questions to consider: – Did the student meet the set goal? – Is the student still performing significantly lower than peers? – Is the rate of progress enough to close the gap between student and peers? 7 Analysis of the Intervention Plan