WANTED: ISOPODS! per person Look under MOIST (no wet) rocks, mulch Put in a container, air is good Wet a paper towel w/ the WONDER MOLECULE Maybe a slice of potato VOILA!! A rolleypolley house fit for royalty
ETHOLOGY Animal behavior Dr. Jane Goodall Primatologi st
WHAT HAPPENS in an animals existence? WHY does that behavior happen in the animal’s existence?
behaviors are innate or behaviors are learned
LIMITING FACTORS determine a habitat selection
ETHOLOGY Animal behavior TACTIC RESPONSES + or - determine habitat selection
TAXIS = deliberate + or -
KINESIS - random
TAXIS - deliberate + or - Which one?
Observing your pillbug’s behavior How do the pillbugs seem to sense their environment? Are they all the same species? Can you tell differences in males and females? How many eyes do they have? How many legs? Do they exhibit any dominance behaviors? How do they respire? How do they grow? What are some stimuli they seem to respond to?
Drawing your pillbug 1. Determine the relative proportions: a. width : length; b. height : length; c. distance between eyes : width of body; d. length of antennae : length of body. 2. Count the number of body segments. 3. Count the number of legs. 4. Locate the eyes. 5. Label the body parts. 6. Note the size of the pillbug.
Observing your 10 Put 5 on each side Every minute (or.5 min), count and record how many on each side. YOU CAN STILL BE DRAWING DURING THIS SECTION.
Designing a controlled experiment HYPOTHESIS/PREDCTION Poor: I think pillbugs will move toward the wet side of a choice chamber. Better: If pillbugs prefer a moist environment, then when they are randomly placed on both sides of a wet/dry choice chamber and allowed to move about freely for 10 minutes, most will be found on the wet side.
Designing a controlled experiment Experiment In a controlled experiment, you must explicitly keep all variables constant except the one you are manipulating.
Designing a controlled experiment Experiment YOU HAVE your independent variable given… you must design and execute a controlled experiment. You may need supplies, get them from Mrs.. Hobby