Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Section 1: Thinking Like a Scientist What skills do scientists use to learn about the world?
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Thinking Like a Scientist 2) INFERRING When you explain or interpret your observations, you are making an inference. 1) OBSERVING By patiently observing chimpanzees, Jane Goodall learned many things about chimpanzee behavior. 3) PREDICTING Predictions are forecasts of what will happen next. 4) CLASSIFYING Field notes like these contain many details about a chimp’s daily activities.
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Chimp Food This graph shows the diet of chimps at Gombe National Park during May of one year.
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Fruit, seeds, leaves, meat, insects, blossoms, and other foods Chimp Food Reading Graphs: According to the graph, what foods do chimps eat?
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Chimp Food Seeds Interpreting Data: Did chimps feed more on seeds or leaves during this month?
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Chimp Food 95% Calculating: What percentage of the diet did blossoms, seeds, leaves, and fruit make up?
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Chimp Food Insects will constitute a much greater portion of the chimps diet, with other food diminishing proportionately. Predicting: Suppose you learn that November is the main termite-fishing season, when chimps spend a large part of their time eating termites. Predict how the chimp diet might change in November.
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Making Models This model traces a chimp’s journey through the forest. Making models involves creating representations of complex objects or processes. Models must always “be to scale”. A scale model accurately shows the proportions between its parts. It can be much smaller or larger than the original.
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Examples of Scale Models This model airplane is much smaller than the original object.
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Examples of Scale Models This cell model is much larger than the original object.
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? End of Section: Thinking Like a Scientist
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Section 2: The Study of Life How are the branches of life science related? What are some big ideas in life science?
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Branches of Life Science Though life science can be divided into branches, the different fields of study often overlap.
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Overlapping Branches of Life Science Entomology Ecology
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Big Ideas in Life Science Biologists investigate a wide variety of things, but the same ideas keep coming up again and again, such as: Organisms (living things) are different, but they share many characteristics. Groups of organisms evolve (change) over time.
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Big Ideas in Life Science Biologists investigate a wide variety of things, but the same ideas keep coming up again and again, such as: An organism’s body structure and its’ function complement each other. Organisms follow the same physical rules that the rest of the natural world follows.
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? End of Section: The Study of Life
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Section 3: Scientific Inquiry What is scientific inquiry? What makes a hypothesis testable?
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Scientific Process Scientists usually investigate the natural world using the Scientific Process. Allows scientists to: ask questions propose explanations make experiments collect evidence write down data communicate with other scientists
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Step # 1: Pose a Question Scientific Inquiry usually begins with a problem or a question about something you observed. Which of these questions can NOT be investigated by a scientist? A) “Does my cat eat more food in the morning or at night?” B) “Which makes a better pet: A dog or a cat?” C) “Does my dog bark more on hot days or on cold days?”
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Step # 2: Develop a Hypothesis A hypothesis is a possible explanation or answer to a scientific question. It is based on previous experiences or observations. It is almost like an educated guess. IT MUST BE TESTABLE! In other words, can you make an experiment to prove your “guess” is correct?
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Step # 3: Design an Experiment An experiment is a way to test if your hypothesis is correct or not. Must have two types of variables: 1.dependent variable (also called the “responding variable”) 2.independent variable (also called the “manipulated variable”). Your experiment must be under constant control. In other words, all other variables MUST remain the same except the one thing that you are testing.
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Step # 4: Collecting and Interpreting Data A data table helps you organize the information you collect in an experiment. By graphing this data, you may end up revealing patterns.
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Step # 5: Draw Conclusions What are the results telling you? What did you learn? What can you do differently the next time? Even if your hypothesis was wrong, you still learned something!
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? Step # 6: Communicating You MUST tell other people about what you learned. Otherwise, what was the point of doing your experiment? » » Letters » Text » Reports » Phone calls » Media (TV, newspapers, magazines)
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? The Nature of Inquiry There is no set path that a scientific inquiry must follow. Pose Questions Communicate Draw Conclusions Form a Hypothesis Design an Experiment Collect and Interpret Data
Chapter 1 What is Life Science? End of Section: Scientific Inquiry