Jane Goodall The Chimpanzee lover
About Jane Jane was born on April 3,1934 in London, England. When Jane was a little girl her dad gave her a toy chimp.Ever since then Jane has been interested in chimpanzee’s.
Trip To Africa When Jane was 22 years old she moved to Kenya and worked as a waitress until she had saved up enough money for a boat trip to Africa.
In Africa… In Africa Jane met a guy named Louis Leakey. Lois soon gave her a job as his assistant researcher. Soon after that Louis had Jane research chimpanzee’s. She started researching chimps in the 1960’s.
A Typical Day Jane would wake up at 5:00 in the morning, and climb up to the top of her special peak with her binoculars and take notes of the chimpanzee’s. She usually went alone so she could concentrate better
Creative Thinking Jane Goodall helped chimps in the wild and in captive.She studies the chimps to figure out good ways to help them instead of just trying to help them without knowing anything about them. I think that was creative thinking!!!
Accomplishments Jane wrote many books. Established the Jane Goodall Institute for Wild Life Research. Jane has been awarded 24 awards all together (so far)!!! Jane Goodall has helped chimps all around the world!!!!!!
Bibliography http//: http//: Goodall.com http//: