Today is Day 52, 12/3 2 sheets of paper Turn your study guide answers for chapters 1-2 in the basket without socializing. Make a KWL Chart about “Persuasion.” Write at least six items in your chart (K or W) How does a person persuade others? What techniques can they use? All grades will be updated by Thursday for progress reports
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Writers use persuasive techniques to help convince readers to think a certain way about an issue. In this essay, Goodall uses one of the easiest and most effective persuasive techniques, emotional appeals.
Emotional Appeals Uses strong feelings, rather than facts and evidence to persuade.
However, that is not her only strategy. She also uses Ethical appeal. They tap into people’s values or standards. Loaded language is another technique Goodall uses. She uses words with positive or negative connotations to stir people’s emotions.
In this article, Goodall uses all three aforementioned persuasive tactics. With your partner, complete a chart identifying examples of each tactic. Give at least three examples for each category, for a total of 10+ examples. 15 min
TechniqueExamples from essay Emotional appeals Appeal to pity, fear, or vanity: uses strong feelings rather than facts and evidence to persuade. Appeal to values Ethical appeal; taps into people’s values or moral standards Word choice Uses words with positive or negative connotations to stir people’s emotions
Of three techniques we analyzed today, which was most effective for you as a reader? Why? Which was least effective for you? Write two paragraphs (one describing the most effective, one describing the least effective – topic sentences, examples/supporting details, and a conclusion sentence!)