Inputs Activities Outputs Outcomes Situation
Outputs OutcomesOutputsInputsActivities
Outputs Outputs
After a four week training session, 85% of participating teens will complete homework regularly as measured by homework logs signed by teachers Upon completion of the tutoring session, 65% of participating teens will earn better grades in reading as measured by pre and post scores on the FCAT reading test. By the end of the project, 80% of participating teens will increase their sense of self-efficacy as measured by pre and post scores on the XYZ Self-efficacy scale
InputsActivitiesOutputs Outcomes
Who/ What (The Target Subject) Change/ Desired Effect (Action Verb) In what (Expected Results) By When Teenage Youth Ages Years Attending Camp Improve Their Leadership Skills By The End Of Camp Low-Income Families Participating In The Program Increase Their Use of Community Services Within Three Months After The Program Finishes County Management Board implements Waste Management Plan Within One Year Of Program Start-Up