Peter Meisen, President Global Energy Network Institute, USA www. geni Peter Meisen, President Global Energy Network Institute, USA
An Interconnected world, yet 1.5 billion remain in dark Source:
Global Population Density
GDP Density Source:
Global Annual CO2 Emissions
CO2 Emissions reach 400ppm Source: UC Riverside
Global Temperature and Carbon Dioxide This figure shows how annual average temperatures worldwide have changed since 1901. Surface data come from a combined set of land-based weather stations and sea surface temperature measurements. Satellite measurements cover the lower troposphere, which is the lowest level of the Earth's atmosphere. "UAH" and "RSS" represent two different methods of analyzing the original satellite measurements. This graph uses the 1901 to 2000 average as a baseline for depicting change. Choosing a different baseline period would not change the shape of the data over time.
Mean temperatures 2000-2010 Source: NASA GIS Surface Temperature Analysis
Global Mean Solar Irradiance
Global Mean Wind Speed at 80m
Global geothermal projects
Electricity Generation from Renewable sources
Renewable Energy Cost Trends COE = Cost of Energy Source: National Renewable energy Lab
Worldwide Installed Wind
Worldwide Installed PV
China Wind Potential source: Siemens, image: China Wind Power Center]
China Solar Potential Limited fossil resources and severe environmental problems require new sustainable electricity generation options, which utilize renewable energies and are economical in the meantime. Concentrating solar power (CSP) generation is a proven renewable energy technology and has the potential to become cost-effective in the future, for it produces electricity from the solar radiation. In China, the electricity demand is rapidly increasing, while the solar resources and large wasteland areas are widely available in the western and northern part of China. To change the energy-intensive and environment-burdensome economical development way, Chinese government supports the development of this technology strongly. These factors altogether make China a suitable country for utilizing CSP technology. In this paper, the potential of CSP in China was studied and strategies to promote development of this technology were given.
China’s solar PV market growth
China: Water scarcity vs. Coal reserves
South Korea Wind Potential
South Korea Solar Potential
South Korea PV Market forecast Source: Display Bank
South Korea’s Renewables Projected 5x Source: Korean Policy on Biofuel” by Ministry of Knowledge Economy Korea
Japan Wind Potential Source :
Japan Solar Potential Source: Ministry of Environmental Research, Research Potential of Renewable Energy, 2003
Japan Solar Energy growth
Electricity grid and companies in Japan
Asia Super Grid Source: Japan Renewable Energy Foundation
High voltage interconnection of all nations The focus: tapping abundant renewable energies on every continent. Each • represents 1% of global population.