Living a Healthy Life Lesson One Your Health and Wellness (Pgs 4-9)
Health Includes... Physical Health Mental/Emotional Health Social Health (Spiritual Health sometimes too.)
The Health Continuum Health is dynamic or subject to constant change Your health could be located at many points along continuum
Wellness Overall state of well-being Total Health Achieving one’s full potential Requires a lifelong commitment to health
Lifestyle Factors (These are Within Your Control) Adequate sleep (8-10 hrs) Eating breakfast Eating nutritious foods Being physically active Maintaining a healthy weight Avoiding tobacco, alcohol, & drugs Managing stress Maintain positive relationships Practice safe behaviors
Wellness & Prevention Practice health and safety habits to remain free of disease and prevent injury Wear seat belts Use sunscreen Avoid unsafe areas
Health Education Providing accurate health information to help people make healthy choices Gives people the tools to live long, energetic, and productive lives
Healthy People 2010 A nationwide health promotion plan Two Goals: 1. Increase quality and years of healthy life 2. Remove health differences among varying people
Health Literacy A health literate individual can: 1. learn and understand basic health information and services 2. use these resources to promote own health and wellness