What is HEALTH?
What is Health? Not just the absence of an illness Health is…. the state of complete physical social and mental well-being, not just the absence of disease. Do you think you are healthy?
FOUR FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE YOUR HEALTH Heredity, Environment, Access to health care, LIFESTYLE. You have the most control over your Lifestyle. You are responsible for yourself by making healthy and responsible decisions. Prevention has the greatest influence over health.
Life Expectancy The number of years a person can expect to live U.S. life expectancy reached nearly 78 years (77.9), according to the latest mortality statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Heart disease and cancer, the two leading causes of death, accounted for nearly half (48.5 percent) of all deaths in What does that say??
Quality of Life The overall satisfaction that a person gets from life. High quality of life can mean a persons life goal. Goals- aim for and work hard to reach.
Physical Mental Emotional You
Physical- how well your body functions, everyday tasks without being tired, healthy diet, regular exercise, enough sleep. Mental-comfort with yourself, others, and surroundings. Mind is alert, learn from mistakes, and recognize achievements.
Emotional- how you react to events in your life. Take time to relax, share feelings with others. Social – keeping friendships, how well you get along with others. Loving relationships, respect the rights of others, give and accept help. Build healthy relationships with family and friends. Communication. Get involved with community, sports teams.
Wellness Dictionary Definition- The state of good health becoming aware of and making conscious choices toward a more balanced and healthy lifestyle. The Dimensions Wellness (all must be developed in order to achieve overall Wellness) Physical Emotional Intellectual Spiritual Interpersonal/Social Environmental