Schizophrenia Chapter 11
Schizophrenia A severe and chronic psychological disorder characterized by disturbances in thinking, perception, emotions and behavior. Schizophrenia has Greek roots meaning “split brain”.
Stats Affects about 1 in 100 people in the U.S. There are an estimated 2.5 million people diagnosed with schizo. and 1/3 of these people are hospitalized. Treatment of schizo. Accounts for 75% of the nation’s mental health hospitalization
Symptoms of Schizophrenia It is a psychotic disorder- a disorder in which people confuse reality with fantasy, seeing and hearing things that aren’t there (hallucinations and delusions). Auditory hallucinations (hearing voices) is most common. Delusions can take different shapes, but most dwell on themes of persecution
Symptoms Continued People with schizo. may ◦Show bizarre/incoherent speech ◦Illogical thinking ◦May not know the time of day ◦May not know what day or year it is ◦May not know where they are ◦May not know who they are
Symptoms Continued Again Thought Disorder- a Breakdown in the logical structure of thinking and speech characterized by loose associations between expressed ideas. Our thoughts follow a logical sequence (one thought followed by the next) In schizo. there is a lack of logical connection of thoughts (speech may even become incomprehensible)
Positive and Negative Positive Symptoms- Hallucinations, delusions, bizarre behavior and thought disorder (tend to fade). Negative Symptoms- Extreme withdrawal or social isolation, apathy and lack of facial expression of emotions (usually are more enduring).
Types of Schizophrenia Disorganized- Characterized by confused behavior, incoherent speech, vivid and frequent hallucinations, inappropriate emotions or lack of emotions, and disorganized delusions of sexual or religious nature. h ttp:// ety_mode=true&safe=active&persist_safety_mode=1 h ttp:// ety_mode=true&safe=active&persist_safety_mode=1
Types of Schizophrenia Catatonic- Bizarre movements, postures, or grimaces. Some persist in a motionless state for hours and abruptly change into a highly agitated state. Others stand in uncomfortable or unusual positions for hours. _mode=true&safe=active&persist_safety_mode=1 _mode=true&safe=active&persist_safety_mode=1
Types of Schizophrenia Paranoid- The most common form. Characterized by delusions that are accompanied by frequent auditory hallucinations. ated&safety_mode=true&safe=active&persist_safety_mode=1 ated&safety_mode=true&safe=active&persist_safety_mode=1 Delusions are often: ◦Themes of grandeur (believing they are Jesus) ◦Persecution (by demons or mafia) ◦Jealousy (unfaithful lover or spouse w/ no evidence)
Causes of Schizophrenia Genetic Factors ◦Genetics plays an important role ◦Adopted children who have biological parents w/ schizo are more likely to develop schizo ◦What about identical twins?
Causes of Schizophrenia Biochemical Imbalances ◦Biochemical imbalances in the nerve pathways in the brain that utilize the neurotransmitter dopamine contribute in the development of schizo. ◦Brains of schizo people have an excess number of dopamine receptors (could also be over sensitive)
Causes of Schizophrenia Brain Abnormalities- ◦Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Computed Tomography (CT) show a range of brain abnormalities associated with schizophrenia. ◦These abnormalities may develop during prenatal periods. ◦Prefrontal cortex and limbic system seem to be affected.