Ph. Farthouat EPTAB August Pool: ATLAS needs u Current ATLAS use u Proposals made a year ago u Future needs u Summary
Ph. Farthouat EPTAB August ATLAS rental fees Situation October 2002 u 27 ATLAS budget codes are used u Total monthly rental fees: –33600 ChF per month i.e 403 kChF per year –4.35 MChF of rented equipment –Annual rental fee ~ 10% of the equipment cost u Most important are for test beam activities –e.g. Liquid Argon 69.6 kChF/year u Or for DAQ –99.2 kChF/year
Ph. Farthouat EPTAB August Some statistics u In average 59% of the equipment has been continuously rent for more than 4.5 years u DAQ is special because of the high rental fees of CPUs
Ph. Farthouat EPTAB August Remarks u Most of the equipment is rent (and used) for a long period of time u It does not make sense to use a service optimised for short term loans –Full support from the pool has a cost: administration, availability of spares, … u There will be needs for new equipment in the future –Lab equipment for tests and commissioning
Ph. Farthouat EPTAB August Proposal (1) u Transfer the ownership of equipment which has been continuously rented since January 98 –ATLAS financially responsible for maintenance and spares »i.e. pool will charge ATLAS for each repair –If not used, back to the pool –ATLAS will save a bit a money –Pool will save administrative cost and reduce its stock
Ph. Farthouat EPTAB August Proposal (2) u Transform the rental scheme in a “leasing” for the equipment rented after Jan 98 but that we think we will keep for long time –Again ATLAS must be financially responsible for spares and maintenance –ATLAS will save some money in the long term –Pool will have less worries about spares etc…
Ph. Farthouat EPTAB August Proposal (3) u Pool rental reserved for short period of time and high end equipment –May be higher cost
Ph. Farthouat EPTAB August Future needs u Georges Schuler circulated a questionnaire to each project leader a)Overall satisfaction with pool b)What will happen after 2004? c)Specific needs for high end equipment d)Will NIM and CAMAC modules still be needed? e)NIM and CAMAC functionalities in VME? u Got one formal answer from a group with no CERN involvment a)Difficult to find needed specialised equipment b)Very little use c)Very desirable; otherwise equipment from home institutes d)No e)Yes but no guaranty to rent it...
Ph. Farthouat EPTAB August What will happen after 2004? u No test beam in 2005 u Not yet clear what will happen after but –Installation in the pit starts end of this year »Calorimeters installed in 2004 »Inner tracker integration on the surface starts also in 2004 –More interest in having cosmic runs in the pit than beam test –Very likely a lot of equipment will be given back to the pool u High end instrumentation needed –Could come from the pool u Infrastructure equipment also needed –Crates, –...
Ph. Farthouat EPTAB August Summary u ATLAS is a large user of the pool –400 kChF per year since many years u Some proposals were made in order to –Save ATLAS money –Reduce pool volume u Needs after 2004 not yet clear but –Very likely a lot of test beam equipment will come back –Interest in high end instrumentation