Welcome to Kidurong International School Great learning! Great teaching! Great fun!
The way forward: Welcome to Mr. Stefan Welcome to all new children and parents : Reports from review and Consultation visits : Learning Improvement Plan, School Development Plan and IPC Action Plan Shared vision for the future of the school: through Communication and a Clear Focus on Children’s Learning
IPC at Kidurong International School Great learning! Great teaching! Great fun!
Our Learning Targets for this afternoon: To know more about the IPC: International Primary Curriculum (new /consolidated learning) To be able to engage in and share in your children’s learning
The Big Picture 14 Shell schools in 1998 (now 8 & 2 affiliated schools) Fieldwork Education, part of WCL/Nord Anglia Based on research into different curricula worldwide More than 1621 schools in 82 countries, using IPC in 2013 Range of types of schools including, International schools, Dutch and English national schools IPC route: six units per year, to cover subject learning goals
IPC Focus on learning Rigorous & challenging Brain FriendlyThematic Assessment for Learning Personal Development Classroom practices International- mindedness K, S & U
IPC Early Years Programme (Nursery & Primary 1) Learning described in 4 strands: 1.Independence and interdependence 2. Communicating 3. Exploring 4. Healthy living
The IPC Learning Goals: Mileposts 1, 2 & 3 3 types of IPC Learning Goals: The Subject Goals The Personal Goals The International Goals
Subject Integration Art Technology Society Science PE Music International ICTHistoryGeography Units 11
Learning Targets Knowledge: To know…. Skills: To be able to…. Understanding: To understand….
Research Tasks (accessing information using the different learning styles: VAK) Using internet and reference books Dialogue/discussions (parents, peers, teacher, visitors…..) Using the community & local area Observation Experimenting & investigating
Recording tasks (processing information using the multiple intelligences) Mind-maps Lists Stories, poems, descriptions, factual writing Diagrams Pictures, sketches and paintings Construction Graphs Tables Role Play Songs Dance Oral presentations (taped) Discussions
IPC Personal Goals What qualities and attributes do we want our children to have when they leave school? Enquiry Adaptability Resilience Morality Communication Thoughtfulness Cooperation Respect
International Learning
Celebrate nationalities & cultures represented in school
IPC in action at Kidurong International School Great learning! Great teaching! Great fun!
At the start of each new IPC unit Will include Literacy & Numeracy learning: making relevant connections where appropriate IPC letter to parents
The Entry Point Wow factor! Motivation for learning - the hook! Make learning enjoyable Involve children, teachers and parents
Early Years: Sand & Water
MP1: Buildings
The Knowledge Harvest What do I know for certain about the theme? What do I think I know? What do I want to learn?
Explaining the Theme On display Subject specific What are we going to be learning? Referred to throughout the unit
Structure of the IPC units Entry Point Knowledge Harvest Explaining The Theme (The Big Picture) Research Activities (VAK) Recording Activities (MI) Exit Point Units 27
Exit Point To celebrate IPC learning in the unit
Learning & the Brain
Shared vision for the future of the school: Through Communication and a Clear Focus on Learning (IPC, Literacy & Numeracy) Sharing learning targets (with children & parents) as Knowledge, Skills and Understanding. Using the school website (letters, photos and newsletters). Open Door Policy.