Urogenital System Dr. Walid Daoud Assistant Professor
The Urinary System Anatomy: - A pair of two kidneys. - Two ureters. - A bladder. - A urethra.
The Urinary System Functions: - Regulation of extracellular products of the body. of the body. - It selectively filters the harmful products in the plasma out from the products in the plasma out from the blood. blood.
The Urinary System Macroscopic Structures: - Two kidneys. - The hilus or hilum. - A renal vein. - A renal artery. - A renal pelvis. - Two ureters. - The urinary bladder. - The urethra and urinary meatus.
The Urinary System Microscopic Structures: The nephron is the functional unit of the Kidney and it is responsible for homeostasis. Nephron = Glomerulus + Renal tubules. Phases of Urine Production: 1.Filtration of blood plasma in the glomerulus 2.Absorption in the renal tubules. 3.Secretion in the collecting tubules.
The Male Reproductive System Anatomy: - A pair of testes. - The scrotum. - The seminiferous tubules. - The epididymis. - The vas deferens. - The seminal vesicles. - The ejaculatory duct. - The prostate and two Cowpers glands. - The penis, the glans penis and the urethral orifice. orifice.
The Male Reproductive System Functions: -Production of sperms by male sex cell -Provides the structures necessary to transport and maintain viable sperms transport and maintain viable sperms
Disorders of The Urogenital System - Pyelonephritis. - Glomerulonephritis. - Nephrolithiasis. - Bladder neck obstruction. - Benign prostatic hypertrophy. - Phimosis. - Cryptorchidism.
WR/CF Related To The Urinary System EXAMPLEMEANINGWR/CF cyt/o/scopy glomerul/o/nephritis nephr/o/pexy pyel/itis ureter/ectasis urethr/itis uro/logist bladderglomeruluskidney renal pelvis ureterurethraurine cyt/o or vesic/oglomerul/o nephr/o or ren/opyel/oureter/ourethr/our/o
WR/CF Related To Male Reproductive System EXAMPLEMEANINGWR/CF balan/o/rrhea epididym/o/tomy orchid/algia prostat/ectomy spermat/ic vas/ectmy vesicul/itis glans penis epididymistestesprostatesperm vas deferens seminal vesicle ban/oepididym/oorchid/oorchi/oprostat/ospermat/ovas/ovesicul/o
WR/CF (Miscellaneous) EXAMPLEMEANINGWR/CF andr/o/gen hyper/glyc/emia noct/uria olig/o/spermia pyo/cyst malesugarnightscantypusandr/oglyc/ogluc/oglucos/onoct/onyct/oolig/opy/o
Suffixes Related to The Urogenital System EXAMPLEMEANINGSUFFIX vesic/o/clysis lith/o/genesis pyel/o/lithiasis dys/uria washing, irrigation beginning, information condition of stones urine-o/clysis-o/genesis-o/lithiasis-uria
Surgical and Other Terms Related To The Urogenital System Page
Answer The Worksheets Page 224 – 234