Holy Holy holy God Almighty Who was and is to come God of glory You’re so worthy All the saints bow down
Holy is Your name in all the earth Righteous are Your ways so merciful Everything You’ve done is just and true Holy holy God are You ch Holy
All blessing All honor belongs to You All power All wisdom is Yours bg Holy
Center You’re the center of the universe Everything was made in You, Jesus Breath of every living thing Everyone was made for You
PreCh You hold everything together Center
Ch Christ be the center of our lives Be the place we fix our eyes Be the center of our lives Center
Bg We lift our eyes to heaven We wrap our lives around Your life We lift our eyes to heaven to You Center
Nothing But The Blood of Jesus What can wash away my sin Nothing but the blood of Jesus What can make me whole again Nothing but the blood of Jesus
ch Oh precious is the flow That makes me white as snow No other fount I know Nothing but the blood of Jesus Nothing But The Blood of Jesus
v2 For my pardon this I see Nothing but the blood of Jesus For my cleansing this I plea Nothing but the blood of Jesus Nothing But The Blood of Jesus
v3 This is all my hope and peace Nothing but the blood of Jesus This is all my righteousness Nothing but the blood of Jesus Nothing But The Blood of Jesus
As we lift up our hands Will You meet us here As we call on Your name Will You meet us here We have come to this place to worship You God of mercy and grace It is You
It is You we adore It is You praises are for Only You the heavens declare It is You, it is You Pre Ch. It is You
Holy, holy is our God Almighty Holy, holy is His name alone Holy, holy is our God Almighty Holy, holy is His name alone Chorus It is You
As we lift up our hands As we call on Your name Will You visit this place By Your mercy and grace Bridge It is You
I Exalt Thee I exalt Thee Oh Lord
Verse For Thou oh Lord Art high above all the earth Thou art exalted Far above all gods I Exalt Thee
We fall down We lay our crowns At the feet of Jesus The greatness of mercy and love At the feet of Jesus We Fall Down
And we cry holy, holy, holy Is the Lamb Chorus We Fall Down
I Love You Lord I love You, Lord And I lift my voice To worship You O my soul, rejoice Take joy, my King In what You hear May it be a sweet Sweet sound In Your ear
I Will Not Forget You Many men will drink the rain And turn to thank the clouds Many men will hear You Speak They will never turn around
But I will not forget You are my God my King With a thankful heart I bring my offering And my sacrifice is Not what You can give But what I alone can Give to You Pre-Ch. I Will Not Forget You
A grateful heart I give A thankful prayer I pray A wild dance I dance before You A loud song I sing A huge bell I ring A life of praise I live before you Ch. I Will Not Forget You
Many men will pour their gold And serve a thing that shines Many men will read Your words They will never change their minds V.2 I Will Not Forget You
God of Wonders Lord of all creation Of water, earth and sky The heavens are Your tabernacle Glory to the Lord on high
Chorus God of wonders beyond our galaxy You are holy, holy The universe declares Your majesty You are holy, holy God of Wonders
Lord of heaven and earth God of Wonders
Verse 2 Early in the morning I will celebrate the light When I stumble in the darkness I will call Your name by night God of Wonders
Bridge Hallelujah To the Lord of heaven and earth God of Wonders
Ch 2 Precious Lord reveal Your heart to me Father hold me, hold me The universe declares Your majesty You are holy, holy God of Wonders
He Is Exalted He is exalted The King is exalted on high And I will praise Him He is exalted Forever exalted And I will praise His name
ch He is the Lord Forever His truth shall reign Heaven and earth Rejoice in His holy name He is exalted The King is exalted on high He Is Exalted
All who are thirsty All who are weak Come to the fountain Dip your heart in the stream of life Let the pain and the sorrow Be washed away In the waves of His mercy As deep cries out to deep All Who Are Thirsty
Come Lord Jesus come Holy Spirit come As deep cries out to deep Chorus All Who Are Thirsty
The Wonderful Cross When I survey the wondrous cross On which the Prince of glory died My richest gain I count but loss And poor contempt on all my pride.
ch. Oh the wonderful cross, oh the wonderful cross Bids me come and die and find that I may truly live Oh the wonderful cross, oh the wonderful cross All who gather here by grace draw near and bless Your name The Wonderful Cross
v2 Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast Save in the death of Christ my God All the vain things that charm me most I sacrifice them to His blood The Wonderful Cross
v3 See, from His head, His hands, His feet Sorrow and love flow mingled down Did e’er such love and sorrow meet Or thorns compose so rich a crown The Wonderful Cross
v4 Were the whole realm of nature mine That were a present far too small Love so amazing, so divine Demands my soul, my life, my all. The Wonderful Cross
Jesus, Holy and Anointed One Jesus, Jesus Holy and anointed One, Jesus Jesus, Jesus Risen and exalted One, Jesus
Chorus Your Name is like honey on my lips, Your Spirit’s like water to my soul, Your Word is a lamp unto my feet, Jesus, I love You, I love You. Jesus, Holy and Anointed One
Still Hide me now Under your wings Cover me Within your mighty hand
ch When the oceans rise and thunders roar I will soar with You above the storm Father, You are King over the flood I will be still and know You are God Still
v2 Find rest my soul In Christ alone Know His power In quietness and trust Still