Academic Activities Report, Faculty Assignment Report & Effort Reporting Session IFAS REC Retreat April 8 th, :15-5:00
Academic Activity Reporting – AAR The Fall 2014 term features the new AAR system that feeds the courses to the effort reports. New – In the AAR System the employee job record that is selected for the courses will upload into the effort report, therefore AAR Coordinators must select the correct EMPL record to each instructor. Best practice is to determine who taught the course and how the instructor was compensated for teaching. If a faculty member has more than 1 role (external, member and chair) within the same section and employee record isn’t assigned to all, it will not be auto populated into effort.
Academic Activity Reporting - AAR Institutional Base Salary, Affiliate/Courtesy Records If a person has an institutional base salary (IBS) record (job record on which they get paid regular salary), then any regular teaching duties must be assigned to their appropriate record #. Retired faculty should get an affiliate/courtesy appointment in the department where they are continuing to finish out the committee assignments where the course is taught. Faculty with activity not IBS, need a affiliate/courtesy or secondary appointment within the department that owns the course.
Academic Activity Reporting - AAR Base Count (deadline 6-8 weeks after semester starts) AAR coordinators should complete base count instructor allocations by end of first month during each semester and the deadline was 3/3/15. This allows FAR initiator to run an AAR report by UFID, to validate instructors’ teaching. Can also be run periodically during semester to identify missing or incorrect instructor assignments to courses.
Academic Activity Reporting - AAR Just select the term and status as incomplete.
Academic Activity Reporting - AAR Head Count – deadline is 5/8/15 AAR system pulls student committee data directly from GIMS. Graduate school allows partial committee for MS/PhD committees but best practice is to form entire committee within 1 st semester and this will avoid re-certifications in effort. When the system closes, all incomplete sections/committees will not upload into effort.
Academic Activity Reporting - AAR When the term closes, any incomplete sections will receive a $10.00 fine. During error correction period, AAR Coordinators have access to correct course section errors. All sections can be updated to correct the errors and are subject to a fine of $25.00 per correction. It is important to make all necessary corrections to the entire section at one time otherwise each correction will be assessed a fine. Must mark prior term AAR record complete when correcting by 5:00pm same day, otherwise it will open effort reports for all chairs and committee members and delete the allocation percentages in effort. Faculty will receive notifications sent to instructors who are assigned to completed sections for their review and acknowledgement. Any discrepancies, contact AAR Coordinator.
Reminder Spring 2015 Course Sections Base Contact Hour Sections DUE NOW! Deadline was 3/3/15 ! 4/28/15 – Open Lab to assist AAR Coordinators with questions and issues Human Resources Services, Room 119 – 1:00 pm – 4:00pm 5/1/15 – notifications sent to Instructors who are assigned to completed sections. 5/8/15 – Headcount Hour Section DUE 5/8/15- AAR system will close for Spring 2015 term
AAR Website
The AAR Coordinator Contact list And Examples For Job Record Selection for AAR
Faculty Assignment Report – FAR Teaching, Research and Extensions -TRE is a guide and can adjust by term but should average over a year to reflect closely to TRE assignment. FAR is a plan of work for faculty and if it varies 5% or more then it must be updated by the chair and acknowledged by faculty member. FAR is mandated by Provost office and State of Florida, so it must be completed each semester.
Effort Reporting Academic Activity Reporting (AAR) automatically loads course section information entered or corrected in AAR into effort each semester. Any changes in HR (Retro) or commitments will update nightly. If effort is finalized, it will create a superseded effort report and requires Cost Analysis to release.
2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance Was effective December 26, 2014 Website Created for Guidance and Questions on how it relates to UF
2 CFR 200 Uniform Guidance Reminder - What Does that Mean for Effort? Instead of the term “Effort Certification” OMB now uses Work performed and records must be there to support charges occurred. It goes on to say that it must be accurate, allowable, and properly allocated; and the institution must have “internal controls” in place. Therefore, UF will continue with effort certification as its internal control.
Reminder All effort should have been submitted as of today because the deadline was on March 27 th. All effort must be certified by the employee by Friday, April 10 th which is in 2 days. Please do not deny any effort reports back to Level One unless instructed by Cost Analysis. If you are waiting for changes in payroll, courses or commitments, please leave at your level.
Reminder Once the term closes all effort reports not finalized will not be picked up for cost share. It must be manually entered through Contract & Grants form. Pay attention to the comment bubble at the top of an effort record. If a Employee denies an effort record back to you, they will be required to input a comment. Also, if Cost Analysis denies the record or releases a new one for re-certification, they will identify why in the comments. Comments can be made anywhere there is a bubble within the effort reporting system.
Released Recertification If Cost Analysis releases an effort record for recertification, you have 30 days to complete the certification process from the day it is released, not when you look at it.
Don’t Ignore the Effort s If you continue to receive effort s from the system, then there is something outstanding for your department. Please review and contact me if you have any questions. Don’t wait until the score card comes out to investigate!
Cost Analysis Website Updates have been made to the website to make the information list more reasonable. Now there is a button to the myUFL Toolkit for Effort
The deadlines have been updated with Fall 2014 information.
The Effort Coordinator Contact list has been updated as of December.
Contact Us! Lisa DuVall – IFAS Effort Coordinator Cost Analysis Website – Contracts & Grants Website – OIPR (Office of Institutional Planning & Research) Armando Ramirez Website –