Linda Pilkey-Jarvis Department of Ecology Spill Prevention, Preparedness, and Response Presentation to the Northwest Area Committee June 2015
Funded for 2014/2015 GRPPartner Agencies Chehalis RiverWA Ecology, US-EPA Clark/Cowlitz/Lewis County RiversWA Ecology, US-EPA Columbia River (Lower & Middle)WA Ecology, US-EPA, USCG, OR-DEQ Duwamish/Green RiverWA Ecology, US-EPA Moses Lake/Crab CreekWA Ecology, US-EPA Nisqually RiverWA Ecology, US-EPA Lake Chelan (mini GRP)WA Ecology, US-EPA Lake WashingtonWA Ecology, US-EPA $75K for contracting work – field work
An approachable way to write GRPs Field Work Form MS Access 2-pager tool Low tech way to produce two pagers. _Forms.html
Using GIS and GRPd2 system
What they are – are not They are the obligation of industry that we choose to do collectively. They are the 3rd priority behind source control, initial containment and on water recovery. Criteria in our plan. They are collection, deflection, exclusion (boom) and notification strategies. They are not everything, though this is widely misunderstood. They are written for the average conditions; a planning tool that may need to be modified on the day of a spill.
More to the GRPs than the strategies CHAPTER 2 Site Description (hydrology, tides & currents, potential spill risks, etc.) CHAPTER 3 Response Options and Considerations
More to the GRPs than the strategies CHAPTER 4 Response Strategies (2-pagers) Booming or Notification Strategies Boat launches Staging areas Prioritization of strategies
CHAPTER 5 Reserved (Shoreline Countermeasures) CHAPTER 6 Resources at Risk Natural (includes ESA) Cultural Economic Calls out the places of high value where strategies weren’t developed but could be on the day of a spill More to the GRPs than the strategies
Public Workshops – Public Confidence
What we learned It can be done but we had to cut steps out of the process. Less coordination with trustees; Prioritization based on flow/time, not resource value; Adding collection strategies – older GRPs lack these. Best practice- maximize that interaction with the public to educate on larger area plan; Thought that inland areas would be done by WRIA, but that is not the right approach (too large).
What we learned Ideal would be to deploy them as we develop them. Best practice - cultural resources considered. Next best practice is to integrate the field work and the data entry. Huge time savings. $75K helped. About 1 week of boat field work, 1 week of land field work and 4 weeks of data entry at the end. If funded, a report is due to the WA Legislature December 2015 and then annually.
Yakima River Skagit River (BNSF and OPL) Snake River (the oldest) Ice Harbor Lower Monumental Snake River Little Goose Snake River Lower Granite Central Puget Sound GRP - Break into two GRPS? Admiralty Inlet Hood Canal - shellfish Willapa Bay - shellfish Columbia River – upper to complete the entire river system Other?
Comments & Information Harry Chichester (GRP Lead) GRP Website: