Recent Money Raised Summer Camp Out over £ cake sales £ uniform sales £65 Recent Spending End of Year Bouncy Castle (£96) End of Year Circus Skills Training(~£200) Planned Spending Outdoor classroom (£8000) School Council (£500) Next Main Event Quiz Night – 7:30pm Saturday 13 th October 2012 Planned Events Year 2 Apple & Olive cake sale & uniform sale – 19 th October 2012 Year 1 Bonsai & Beech cake sale – 9 th November 2012 Own clothes day (bring a bottle for Fair) – 23 rd November 2012 Christmas Fair – 2-4:30pm 1 st December 2012 Christmas cards designed by pupils – early December Bishops Down PSA October 2012 update
PSA Changes Due to work commitments Simon Wyke is standing down as Chair of the PSA. Simon will remain a member of the PSA and we thank him for the excellent way he has led the PSA, uniting a new PSA team and raising such a huge amount of money. We are pleased to announce that Mel Joyce will become the new Chair and wish her well in this role. Bob Warren´s work commitments have also changed and he will be gradually handing over his Treasurer role over the next 6 months. We thank Bob for his current and past support to the PSA, keeping all the events running well, clear accounting/reporting and running the PSA Quiz Nights. Kate Rigby (Willow parent) will be taking over the Treasurer role. The PSA are very thankful for her joining the PSA and wish her well in this role. The PSA is always looking for more parents to join. We currently have a vacancy for Vice Chair. We have parents as Trustees and also need many “friends of the PSA” who can help out at events. If you are interested in any of these roles please talk to Mel Joyce or the PSA at Financial notes During the academic year the PSA has donated substantial sums to the school, including £1,443 for digital cameras for each class, £9,455 for 15 brand new computers in the ICT suite, £500 for the School Council, £1,030 towards building the bridge in the woods and about £300 on the end of year celebrations (bouncy castle & circus skills training). If you have any ideas on how the PSA could support the school with a donation please let us know! Advertising space for sale Do you want to advertise on the PSA Noticeboard? Cost will be £1 per week. See Mel Joyce or if interested. The 200 Club The 200 Club is a lottery which generates a steady income to the PSA, whilst giving members a chance to win a cash prize each month. If you would like to join the club, forms are available from the school office and at PSA events.
Bishops Down PSA October 2012 update Cake sales Every class will get a turn of baking cakes to be sold at a Friday pick up time. Cakes are sold at 30p each or 4 for £1. This year we are combining 2 classes together to increase the number of cakes on sale. The number of pupils at the school has increased and we don’t want to see children unhappy because they missed out on the cakes! Uniform sales The PSA has a number of items of second hand uniform which are all sold at £1 each. Look out for sale dates on the PSA bulletin. We often sell alongside a cake sale. If you have any items of uniform you would like to donate, please pass them to a PSA member or the School's office. Christmas card sales Each pupil at school designs their own Christmas card. An example of their unique card and an order form is sent home to parents. Cards are 12 for £5. Items for hire The PSA has a number of items available for hire, e.g. the tug of war rope, chocolate fountain and a small bouncy castle (donations to be made to the PSA). Donations for Christmas Fair On Friday 23 rd November pupils can wear their own clothes to school in return for bringing in a bottle. The bottles will then be used for a tombola at School's Christmas Fair. A separate note will go out on when to bring in other donations for the other stalls and tombolas, e.g. for toys, cakes, sweets and items for “Secret Santa”. Any unwanted storage boxes? The PSA are in need of lidded storage boxes. If you have any spare please contact the PSA. Next PSA Meetings 7:30pm 7 th November 2012 at the school. The PSA meetings are open to all. New members always welcome.