presented by Dr. Kristóf Horváth Deputy Director General Hungarian Atomic Energy Authority Based on the Guideline developed by the WG on Computer Protection Hungary’s Experience in the Regulation of Cyber and Information Security
History … Well developed –requirements and regulatory system for peaceful applications (NM and RM) –radiation protection requirements and regulatory system –nuclear safety requirements and regulatory system –system for materials out of regulator control –emergency preparedness and response for safety events Ad-hoc –physical protection requirements –physical protection as part of radiation protection and nuclear safety All nuclear related sensitive information protected as State Secret
International Instruments (the frame) Ratified international conventions: –CPPNM –Amendment to CPPNM –Nuclear terrorism convention –Mode-specific transport agreements UN Council resolutions EU regulations and directives IAEA Code of Conduct and Guidance
And then…Fundamental objective The fundamental safety-security-safeguards objective of regulatory control: –To protect people and environment –from harmful effects of (any harm of) –ionizing radiation (generated by various applications of atomic energy). without unduly limiting the operation of facilities or the conduct of activities.
Goals of regulatory control To protect people and environment through –Prevention Regulations, licensing, vetting, registration …. –Detection Inspection, reporting, monitoring … –Response Enforcement, contingency/emergency planning Common legal and technical principles to be applied –E.g. responsibility, independence… –E.g. design basis, graded approach, defence in depth …
New regulations Four level approach Classification and protection of information –Restricted, Confidential, Secret, Top Secret Physical protection governmental decree –Based on threat assessment –DBT defined by HAEA with concerned gov organs –Performance based approach with performance requirements for facilities –Prescriptive requirements for NM and RM Updated safety code
Cyber and information secuirty Confidentiality Availability Integrity General security and safety requirements for allocation of I&C components and their cabelling acc to PP zones one-way direction from vital areas credibility of input to be checked availability of systems interaction cannot hinder safety functions
WG establishment Instead of –Requesting the NPP to recommend a cyber DBT Recognition that computer protection is a joint safety/security issue –Very similar threats –Almost identical protection –Identical protectors WG participation –HAEA, Police, MVM Electricity Trust, NPP, new-built, university, experts To develop a guideline on –The protection of programmable systems and components
Guideline on the protection requirements for computer systems Taking into consideration – Lessons learned from IAEA NSS 17 – Principles from IEC Ed.1 – Existing safety requirements – Existing security requirements
Guideline on the protection requirements for computer systems Level of protection measures Graded approach Classification from safety as well as from security aspects, then the more rigorous requirements shall be applied
Guideline on the protection requirements for computer systems –Summary about international and domestic recommendations –Protection policy for programmable systems and components –Organizational and management aspects, responsibilities –Inventory of systems (systems, networks, applications and their interfaces) –Definition of protection levels –Protection classification of systems and components –Risk assessment (threat analysis, vulnerability analysis, risk evaluation) –Defence in depth principles –Physical access aspects –Training and education
Guideline on the protection requirements for computer systems According to the Guideline, nuclear operators should –Categorize the computer systems to Level-5,4,3,2 –Analyse the vulnerabilities of existing computer systems –Establish additional protection measures (if required) to meet the safety and security requirements –Propose a cyber design basis threat
Regulation development Based on experience on the application of the guideline –Issue regulations for the NPP –Develop regulations and guidance to other applications where programmable systems and components are in use
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