When? Effective Monday, April 30, 2012 the predetermined goals and goal results can be utilized for goal setting purposes. The goals for each patient category and the goal results selections will be different from the current items listed.
What is changing? Infant Goals Child Goals Women Goals Goal Results The predetermined goals listed for selection have changed. The following slides will list the new topics that may be selected when setting a goal for participants when using the goal setting functions under the Nutrition Ed tab.
Infant Goals There are 11 infant goals to select from: 1. Breastfeed as Long as Desired 2. Breastfeed on Request 3. Follow Feeding Cues 4. Proper Formula Preparation 5. Start Solids 6. Decreases Inappropriate Liquids
Infant Goals 7. Family Mealtimes 8. Vitamin D Supplementation 9. Increase High Iron Foods (> 6 months) 10. Other Goal (Described in Notes) 11. Converted from Old System
Child Goals There are 11 children’s goals to select from: 1. Maintain Appropriate Growth 2. Healthy Snacks 3. Increase Fruit & Vegetables 4. Increase Physical Activity 5. Increase Water/Decrease Inappropriate Liquids 6. Increase Iron 7. Increase Calcium
Child Goals 8. Family Mealtime 9. Wean From Bottle 10. Other Goal (Described in Notes) 11. Converted from Old System
Women Goals There are 14 women’s goals to choose from: 1. Avoid Alcohol 2. Avoid/Stop Smoking 3. Breastfeeding 4. Increase Fruit & Vegetable Consumption 5. Choose Healthy Portions 6. Family Mealtimes 7. Increase Physical Activity
Women Goals 8. Increase Water/Decrease Inappropriate Liquids 9. Increase Folic Acid Intake 10. Increase High Iron Foods 11. Increase High Calcium Foods 12. Appropriate Use of Prenatal Vitamins 13. Other (Described in Notes) 14. Converted from Old System
And GOAL RESULTS???? The following goal results will be options for selection and will be listed in this order: Follow-up at Next Visit No follow-up Not Ready—Precontemplation Thinking About Change—Contemplation Getting Ready—Preparation Changing—Action Maintaining--Maintenance
So how is it done?
When under the Nutrition Education tab, simply click on Add Goal Setting Contact to set a goal with the participant. A box will pop up with the contact date and you will be able to scroll through and select a goal when you click on the Goal drop down box.
After a Goal has been selected, then a result can be chosen from the list. Click OK after all selections have been made.
Once you have clicked OK, the Nutrition Education Contact screen will now show that a goal was set, the date it was set, and what the goal was. If a SOAP note is written on the day a goal is established, it will automatically be populated into the SOAP note.
If no goal is set using one of the selections in the Nutrition Education tab, a goal will still have to be written in the SOAP note.
SOAP note changes… There are anticipated changes to the SOAP noting process coming in the near future that should make documenting essential information easier and more comprehensive for all health care workers accessing patient files and information.
What is changing now? Although not all of the SOAP note changes will be in effect on April 30, 2012, the one change that will be in effect is the acceptance of the “S” or subjective part of the SOAP note being populated with a simple statement of “See VENA” if the CPA determines no other information is necessary or pertinent for the care of the participant.
When will other changes take place? It is anticipated that by mid-May the final changes to the SOAP note will be ready for implementation by the system. Further information and training will be provided for CPAs.
On behalf of the Arkansas WIC State Office, we appreciate you taking the time to learn and understand these changes. We hope these changes will assist you in documentation of your assessment. Thank you!