E commerce project by :Jackenson jean
How will e commerce change business in the future? The e-commerce spending and online buyers and penetration of e-commerce will surely grow but the growth will vary from country to country and affect the online market at various time periods, but eventually when all the continent markets, e commerce make us shop by using our computers.
How has e-commerce changed the word e commerce, or sometimes e- Commerce, is an abbreviation of the term electronic commerce. Commerce is simply another word for business or also the way we buy and sell our stuff.
What is e commerce? The definition of e-commerce includes business activities that are business-to- business, business-to-consumer, extended enterprise computing also emerging value chains.
3 advantages to doing business this way? E-commerce offers advantages that include the ability to expand into global markets. The cost of marketing of promotional material also drops drastically. E-commerce marketing also allow for real-time communications and the interchange of data in the supply chain, making the supply chain more effective
3 disadvantages Returning goods online can be an area of difficulty privacy of information, security of that information and payment details. E-commerce is often used to buy goods that are not available locally from businesses all over the world.