Serving society Stimulating innovation Supporting legislation Meeting on OGC Sensor Observation Service (SOS) for INSPIRE Anders Foureaux Swedish EPA Environmental Informations Systems Unit Research and Assessment Department
Previous SOS experiences Scope: One of our contractors have set up an SOS for air quality (ozone). As a client, the Swedish EPA will make an attempt to put up a consuming service for this SOS. It will be set up in a dot-net environment. Delivered content: Currently ozone data within the EF theme. We will expand with additional air quality parameters. The data consists of time series and point observations. Technologies / software used: Sensor data API using OGC Sensor Observation Service (SOS) 2.0 standard, and the SOAP-protocol. The service is deployed using an adaptation of a server implementation provided by (Version: Beta2) (Version: Beta2)
Existing connections to INSPIRE Other download services available: [Describe if you are providing/consuming other observation-related services (WFS, Atom, …), e.g. for monitoring stations/networks or features of interest] See next slides Cross-reference of download services: Not at the moment
Other download services available: On March 2014 in Stockholm was held, for the first time, Hack for Sweden. A unique collaboration between thirteen agencies who wants to create the opportunity for innovators, programmers, developers, students, and data journalists to develop new and innovative services and products using geospatial open or free data. (>INSPIRE). Hack for Sweden aims to inspire increased use of agencies open and free data so that new products and services and new knowledge can be developed and brought to the public.
Other download services available: The price “Hack for Sweden Award” goes to that team that has made the best combination of data in a creative way and created the best and most innovative application or service as a whole. The use of datasets from multiple agencies are valued particularly highly. The number of datasets available or "points of contacts for services” were 320. The number of available data formats were
Discussion: Why an INSPIRE/SOS? What would be the benefits of adding SOS as an additional option for implementing the INSPIRE download service is a good idea? A SOS will hopefully (?) be less verbose than a WFS and easier to consume, especially for a mobile device.
Discussion: Technical issues What possible technical issues or blocking factors do you see for developing TGs and an implementation of an SOS-based INSPIRE download service? We need to carefully consider other options (than SOS) so we do not miss the "Non INSPIRE users" These are, after all, a majority of the IT developers on the market.
Discussion: Download service TG options Do you see any problems (in terms of support in the MS) with defining yet another TG option (SOS in addition to Atom and WFS) for INSPIRE download services? No, but we should not provide more formats than “the market can manage”. We must therefore have a good and living dialogue with the end users.
Discussion: Wish list Which features would you like to see in an INSPIRE download service for observation data? We have no opinion about this yet, but perhaps we should consider setting up some “cross-sector recommendation" for a “core set of data formats and download services” for users, developers regardless they operate inside or outside the INSPIRE community. We have to be cost effective when setting up our services. On the other hand, we need to meet the requirements from the users. Competitions like Hackathons can be useful to get in touch with the developers
Additional information Please feel free to include any additional information to support the discussion (these will not be presented at the workshop, but shared with the other participants before the workshop and uploaded to the workshop page together with the minutes)