Genre Overview
reality fiction report documentary documentary soap scripted reality authentic fiction daily Soaps telenovela
reality report documentary documentary soap scripted reality authentic fiction soap opera telenovela A report is any informational work made with the specific intention of relaying information or recounting certain events A documentary constitute a broad category of nonfictional motion pictures intended to document some aspect of reality, primarily for the purposes of instruction or maintaining a historical record In documentary soaps, story "plots" are often constructed via editing or planned situations. Documentary style programs give viewers a private look into the lives of the subjects A soap opera is an episodic work of usually dramatic genre, which is fictionally presented in an artificial way, but with an authentic story telling. Soap operas run daily or weekly with unfinished and parallel told storylines, using cliffhangers at the end of every episode fiction In difference to soap operas, the storyline of a telenovela is enclosed. They come to an end after a long run, generally less than one year. The medium has been used repeatedly to transmit socialcultural messages by incorporating them into storylines authentic fiction contains scripted storylines with professional actors in a real looking environment to affect authenticity scripted reality contains scripted storylines in an documentary style with unprofessional actors in an real looking environment. They play with stage directions after script, not with detailed text information