CCNA3 v3 Module 6 v3 CCNA 3 Module 6 JEOPARDY K. Martin
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands RouterModesWANEncapsulationWANServicesRouterBasicsRouterCommands Acronyms Basics Modes Indicators Indicators Commands Setting Up Setting Up ► ► ► F i n a l J e o p a r d y ◄ ◄ ◄
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question LED Acronyms 100 A: What is Light-Emitting Diode? CCNA3 v3 Module 6
Question A: What is Command Line Interface? CLI CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Acronyms
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question A: What is Graphical User Interface? GUI CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Acronyms 300
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question A: What is Remote Power Supply? RPS CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Acronyms 400
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is Cisco Connection Online? CCO Acronyms 500
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is Unplug the power cord, then plug it back in? Do this to power cycle a switch. Basics
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What are Ports? The interfaces on a switch, which connect to hosts. Basics 200
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is an LED? These help to visually monitor the status of a port. Basics 300
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is a Rollover cable? Use this cable to connect to the switch console port. Basics 400
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is a COM or Serial port? Use this PC port to connect to the switch console port. Basics 500
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is the MODE button? This button changes the information displayed by the Port LEDs. Modes 100
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is STAT mode? This mode shows whether or not ports are sending data. Modes 200
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is FDUP mode? This mode shows whether a port can send and receive simultaneously. Modes 300
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is 100 mode? This mode allows the speed of the port to be seen. Modes 400
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is UTIL mode? This mode shows how much of the total bandwidth the switch is using. Modes 500
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is the POST was successful? The System LED is green. Indicators 100
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is the POST is currently running? The System LED is off and the switch has power. Indicators 200
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is the port is sending/receiving data? A port LED is blinking green. Indicators 300
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is the POST failed? The System LED is amber. Indicators 400
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is the switch is determining the topology and looking for loops? The switch has just been powered up and all port LEDs are amber. Indicators 500
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is the ? (question mark)? Command used to get help. Commands 100
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is show post? Use this command to see the results of the power on test. Commands 200
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is delete flash:vlan.dat? Use this command to erase the vlan database. Commands 300
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is show mac-address-table? Use this command to view the addresses a switch has learned. Commands 400
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is port security max-mac-count 1? Use this command to allow only one MAC address on a port. Commands 500
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is Switch? The default hostname of a switch. Setting Up 100
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is an IP address? In order to remotely manage a switch, it must be given this. Setting Up 200
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is VLAN1? By default, this is the management VLAN. Setting Up 300
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What are an IP Address and a VTY Password? In order to access a switch remotely, the switch must be configured with these two things. Setting Up 400
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question CCNA3 v3 Module 6 A: What is Power cycle the switch while holding the mode button? Do this for password recovery. Setting Up 500
CCNA3 v3 Module 6 Question A: What is the Cisco Connection Online Software Center? Download newer IOS versions from this location. Final Jeopardy CCNA3 v3 Module