Empirical symptoms of catastrophic bifurcation transitions on financial markets: A phenomenological approach Marzena Kozłowska, Tomasz Gubiec, Ryszard Kutner, Tomasz Werner Faculty of Physics, University of Warsaw and Zbigniew Struzik University of Tokyo & RIKEN Brain Science Institute, Japan VII Sympozjum Fizyki w Ekonomii I Naukach Społecznych UMCS Lublin, May 2014
Abrupt climate change
Catastrophic (critical) bifurcation transition in a real life. M. Scheffer et al., Nature 491 (2009), In medicine: epileptic seizure and asthma attack. In geophysics: earth quake, volcano eruption, abrupt shift in ocean circulation or in climate. In ecosystem degradation: changes in states of coral reefs, colaps of vegetation in semi-arid ecosystem. In physics: first order phase transitrions.
Index WIG of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW) – Here, we consider the lhs bubble
DAX: – Here, we consider the lhs bubble
Beginning of new single-family house-buildings in US
Detrended signal and stochastic dynamics
The n oise of signal WIG
Sale of new single-family houses in US
WIG: variance (monthly sample average). Definition of threshold by spike
WIG: accumulative variance. Bimodal situation
Detrended successive signals for WIG. Two time scales: (i) daily t (fast) one and (ii) monthly (slow) one. Too large data dispersion for nonlinear analysis
Application of catastrophe theory to financial markets. Hypothesis: catastrophic bifurcation transition Complete approach requires nonlinear analysis
Application of catastrophe theory to financial markets. Catastrophic (critical) slowing down
Catastrophic bifurcation transition: force f and potential U
Plot of recovery rate
WIG: (Sub)catastrophic bifurcation transition ALERT: invstors should leave such a stock market
DAX: (Sub)catastrophic bifurcation transition ALERT: invstors should leave such a stock market
General conclusion: schematic scenario of stock market evolution generated by bifurcation transitions