1 Thought Leadership Session 2122 IBM-Symantec Panel Discussion on Future of Cloud and Resilience Jeff Marinstein Manager, Business Strategy Business Continuity and Resiliency Services IBM IBM-Symantec Panel Discussion on Future of Cloud and Resilience Chris Johnson Sr Principal Technical Product Manager Service Resiliency, Information Availability Symantec
SYMANTEC VISION 2014 The Future of Cloud Resilience Cloud Resilience – the “always on” enterprise IBM-Symantec Panel Discussion on Future of Cloud and Resilience 2 Jeff Marinstein Manager, Business Strategy, IBM Business Continuity and Resiliency Services
SYMANTEC VISION 2014 Lower RTO / RPO Regulatory Requirements Continuous Availability New technologies for data backup and replication combined with Cloud create challenges and opportunities advances in storage, replication, and cloud better economics with virtualization, networking replicas in recovery advanced backup technology DRaaS fail over, fail back SITUATIONRANGE OF ALTERNATIVES Use Cases real time replication array based synchronous v. asynchronous hypervisor based database replication Use Cases CDP Copy Data Services snapshots appliances hypervisor tools unified backup and archive (partial list) Use Cases near zero RTO – RPO replicate data, provision VMs ATOD hybrid recovery – P2V+V2V hybrid cloud support VSR on SoftLayer appliance-enabled hypervisor based solutions Lower RTO / RPO Continuous Availability Regulatory Requirements Lower RTO / RPO Continuous Availability IBM-Symantec Panel Discussion on Future of Cloud and Resilience 3
SYMANTEC VISION 2014 Toward “Always On” Lower RTO/RPO zero tolerance for down time Continuous Availability constant connection to devices, users and customers Regulatory Requirements longer retention, protection of digital info Source: 2013 by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc Tolerance for downtime is now down to minutes vs. days while regulations drive longer data retention Toward “Always On” IBM-Symantec Panel Discussion on Future of Cloud and Resilience 4
SYMANTEC VISION /4th of new software is now being built for the Cloud. 85% 50% Major trends in Cloud computing and Big Data support the need to rethink DR 25 % 7%7% 46 % Today2020 Cloud percentage of total IT spend of the world’s applications will be available in the cloud by of large enterprises will have hybrid cloud deployments by countries have data-protection regulations in place. 7% 46% 2.5B gigabytes of new data generated every day. 2.5 petabytes of data is collected every hour by a major retailer. 1,000,000,000,000 connected objects and devices on the planet generating data by IBM-Symantec Panel Discussion on Future of Cloud and Resilience 5
SYMANTEC VISION 2014 Tiered Availability Orchestration, Provisioning, Fail Over, Fail Back etc. DataEnvironment Gold Silver Bronze Compute + Data + Applications PublicPrivate Hybrid Recovery Replication Backup Copy Data Array Multi-Platform Multi-Cloud Data – Infrastructure Agnostic the “always-on” enterprise IBM-Symantec Panel Discussion on Future of Cloud and Resilience 6
SYMANTEC VISION 2014 Transformation to Cloud-based Resiliency IBM-Symantec Panel Discussion on Future of Cloud and Resilience 7 Chris Johnson Sr Principal Technical Product Manager, Symantec Information Availability Service Resiliency
SYMANTEC VISION 2014 Recovery Solutions & Services: Changing Ecosystem & Needs IBM-Symantec Panel Discussion on Future of Cloud and Resilience 8 Source: On-Premise, Private Cloud, Public Cloud Secure Connectivity Data Movement Automated recovery Multi-tenant management As-you-go metering & billing Recovery-as-a-Service Reliable protection across ecosystem: Compute & storage agnostic Storage agnostic Major OS platforms Site>Service>App>System Embedded or integrated security Improved TCO as compared to traditional DR: CAPEX & OPEX savings Right for workload recovery SLAs. Just in time vs. always on Continuous vs. point in time data movement Automated orchestration Target: Cloud Platform or Provider Compute: Physical or Virtual Storage Network Infrastructure-as-a-Service
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