Vision Plan of SIPRD, WB Presented at MORD, Delhi,
OUR VISION Is to become a center of excellence in the field of Training & Research relating to Panchayati Raj & rural development with focus on 1. Capacity building of different stake holders. 2.Undertaking researches, action researches and case studies on rural governance and development.
3. Facilitating the process of democratic decentralization by strengthening the PRIs. 4. Consultancy services in the field of rural development. 5. Formation of information & knowledge Hubs.
Training Strategy Multi-pronged approach. Strengthening of Training infrastructure. Utilization of training infrastructure of other department / agencies. Compulsory induction training of development functionaries at all levels. Adoption of distance education mode to supplement and complement institutionalized training. Networking of Training institutions.
Training Strategy # Undertaking TNA exercises for all clientle group– Officials and Non- officials # Designing training packages and modules based on TNA findings # Preparation of course materials Faculty development
STRATEGY OF SIPRD ( ) 1. Organizing TNA exercises before preparing training modules. 2. In order to enhance effectiveness and efficiency of newly elected Panchayat functionaries at least 1 time coverage of training of all elected representaives
STRATEGY OF SIPRD ( ) 3. Coverage of ZP & PS members as early as possible. 4. Organizing District level TOT programmes.
STRATEGY OF SIPRD ( ) 6.Exchanging Ideas through State-level,National level & Interntional Workshops 5. Capacity Building of EWRs and Gender Sensitisation.
STRATEGY OF SIPRD ( ) 7. Construction of permanent state level Resource – pool 8. Formation of Help-Desk and Mobile Support Staff to revitalize and to motivate the PRI functionaries.
STRENGTH OF SIPRD Experienced, Skilled, communicative and very sound subject specific faculties. Large Infrastructure Very equipped supporting staffs Technical know-hows & Expertise. Strong Networking with the field. Very strong networking & good name with other states Regular communication with the field level practitioners, activists, NGOs Very active Cells. Fellow-feeling and Fraternity.
WEAKNESSES Lack of Manpower Lack of Money Low scope of exchanging views with other institutions Low scope of experiencing alternative training strategy or latest training methodologies Low scope of faculty upgradation No formal Resource-pool is there. Less mobility support Less liberty, less autonomy
Training Need Assessment Systematic Approach to Training : 2000 Onwards Decentralized Training Cycle of PRIs: West Bengal Training Module and Material Development Training Of Trainers Training Implementation Training Impact Assessment
Training Need Assessment TNA for RD functionaries TNA for Panchayat Officials TNA for PRI Members TNA for Schematic target groups (MGNREGA, PMEYSA, NRLM, NSAP, TSC, BRGF, etc.) TNA for thematic target groups ( Gender sensitisation, Leadership, Behaviour and Attitude, Awareness about Environment, Group Dynamics etc. )
NETWORKING & LINKAGES Other National like Bangladesh NIRD SIRD SIPRD ETC DTC Heal th deptt. NGO Sishu Siksha Mission NGO Other Govt Deptt. ETC DTC ATI SIRD Other National Like Nepal University
SUITABLE LEVEL OF TRAINING Institutional Training [ Lab to Lab ] Learning from field [ Lab to Land ] Learning from People [ Land to Lab ] Field based Training [ Land to land ] E- learning and Training Distance learning & Training [ TDCC ]
TRAINERS Faculty of SIPRD STATE POOL --- Programme based Theme / Issue based Legal Expert DISTRICT POOL ---- Programme based Theme / Issue based Legal Expert GRASSROOT LEVEL POOL --- Ex Panchayat Representatives Practitioners NGO people
MODE OF TRAINING / KNOWLEDGE DISSEMINATION Direct Training ( Cell wise ) Cascade Mode Workshop TDCC Electronics Media ( TV & Radio ) Print Media (Grameen Bharat, Panchayati -raj etc. )
Targetted Trainees UNITSPRIsGOVT.INSTITUTE Dist SIPRD Block SIPRD ETC(4+1) GP ETC/DTC Grand Total
PROPOSED TRAINING PROGRAMMES. AT SIPRD & ETCs Year Training Programme at SIPRDTraining Programme at ETCs Grand Total In Campus Off- Campus Total Total
DURATION OF PROPOSED TRAINING AT SIPRD Sl No.Duration SIPRD ETC In houseOff-campus 11day (Work shop/ Seminar) days days Above 6 days Total
CATEGORIES OF PARTICIPANTS (09-10 to 12-13) Sl No Flagship Programmes etc. No. of Training programme Govt. functionaries PRIsSHGsFinancial Institutions NGOs / Others Total 1.Wages & Infrastructure Development Trg SGSY Drinking Water & Sanitation Watershed / Disaster Management PMGSY Computer Panchayati Raj Rural Engineering BRGF Others Total
New Initiative Govt officials and PRI functionaries for 4612 problem villages. Training will be imparted to the functionaries involved with SAHAI Model Block Model Gram Panchayat Mahila Sansad
RESEARCHES UNDERTAKEN Sl. No Particulars No. undertaken during last five years 2005 to 2010 No. envisioned for coming five years 2010 to 2012 CompletedNo. ongoing 1. Research Studies Action Research Consultancy Projects 0 0 0
REQUIREMENT OF FUND Expected sources of fundsAmount in Lacs (Rs.) Central Sector Total Core faculty Recurring Non-recurring Training Research State Sector Total
MONITORING & EVALUATION 1.Monthly Monitoring by District Link officer of SIPRD 2.Monthly reviews with the officials and faculties on the performance of training. 3. Monhly monitoring by ETC & reporting to SIPRD 4.Seminar and workshops on the quality of training following feedback received from the impact survey. 5. P& RD Deptt. carries out monitoring through review meeting upon the reports sent.
Thank you