“Inter-agency sectoral preparedness for URS in approaching monsoon season in India” Date: 7 th June, 2012 (Thursday) Time: to hrs Venue: Maple Room, IHC, New Delhi
Agenda 1.Review / stocktaking of current preparedness of agencies in different sectors. – Details of stockpiled materials and kits (approx. number & location). – Details of agency wise key contacts in most vulnerable areas. 2.Sharing of agency wise plans. 3.Inter-agency coordination for URS. 4.Any other agenda points as proposed by members.
Onset of monsoon declared by IMD Onset of southwest monsoon over Kerala has been declared by IMD on 5 th June, It has also advanced into remaining parts of south Arabian Sea, southern parts of central Arabian Sea, remaining parts of Maldives– Comorin areas, entire Kerala, some parts of coastal Karnataka and south Tamil Nadu and some more parts of south & east central Bay of Bengal.
Weather Outlook for subsequent 4 days up to 0830 hours IST of 14 th June 2012 (issued by IMD dated 7 June 2012 morning) Rain/thundershowers would continue to occur at many places over Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Rain/thundershowers would continue to occur at many places over west coast, West Bengal & Sikkim, northeastern states and Andaman & Nicobar Islands. Rain/thundershowers would occur at one or two places over rest peninsular, east, adjoining central and northwest India.
Warning for 8 June (issued by IMD dated 7 June 2012 morning) Heavy rainfall would occur at one or two places over coastal Karnataka, Konkan, Goa, SubHimalayan West Bengal, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Mizoram, Tripura and Andaman and Nicobar Islands.
AGENCY WISE PREPAREDNESS MSF Health, food and nutrition, NFI, shelter, Watsan, psycho social care and IEC. Intervention will be based on assessment. According to the need of the population the scale of the intervention will be determined. IGSSS Resources for Rescue, WATSAN, Shelter, awareness & IEC. Besides the material, emergency relief fund of Rs 1,000,000 to address immediate relief. No pre-positioning in terms of food, medicines etc. Has a trained and qualified DRR manpower unit capable of overseeing assessment, rescue, relief, water and sanitation. The team is primarily based in Lakhimpur and Dhemaji district in Assam.
AGENCY WISE PREPAREDNESS EHA Health, Psycho-social care, Food & Nutrition, Kitchen, Drinking water, Temp. shelter, Awareness, hygiene/dignity kit. A full-time Emergency Relief Officer positioned for emergency response with thousands of trained volunteers: Medical, Nursing, Psycho-social care, Relief & Logistics Management personnel. ACTED ACTED does not have any stock in the storage. If there will be any emergency we quickly organize the materials.
AGENCY WISE PREPAREDNESS CRS Resources for WATSAN, Shelter, Hygiene/dignity kits. Stocks in Orissa, North-east and Bihar. CRS staff trained in Emergency Response in Delhi and 6 locations in India: Lucknow, Bhubaneshwar, Patna, Guwahati, Chennai and Kolkata. CRS is working with 52 partners NGOs in Bihar, MP, Chhattisgarh, Orissa, Jharkand, Assam, Mizoram, Manipur, Nagaland, UP and Tamil Nadu. CRS has conducted many trainings for partners in emergency response, on participatory rapid assessments, Sphere and M&E in emergencies. CRS and partner staff are experienced in NFI, shelter and water and hygiene response. CRS has a Regional Technical Advisor for Emergency Response in Asia and a global Emergency Response Team with technical advisors for different technical sectors.
Presentation/Sharing by members…