William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet Vocabulary Presentation
Shakespearean Drama Vocabulary Page 1 Drama- a composition designed for performance in a theater Tragedy- a play which shows dramatic representations of serious actions that lead to a disastrous conclusion. In a tragedy, the main character(s) come to an unhappy ending. Blank verse- lines of unrhymed iambic pentameter Iambic pentameter- lines with five metrical feet of iambs (unstressed, stressed). Sounds most like natural speech.
Shakespearean Drama Vocabulary Page 2 Prose- inclusive term for all lines which are not patterned into the metric verse. In the case of Romeo and Juliet, all lines which are not in iambic pentameter Couplets- two consecutive lines of poetry that rhyme End-stopped lines- a line that ends with punctuation. Run-on lines- a line that does not end with punctuation and that has meaning which is completed in the lines below it.
Shakespearean Drama Vocabulary Page 3 Soliloquy- the act of talking to oneself, whether silently or aloud. Playwrights use this device as an easy way to convey information about a character’s motives and state of mind; or for purposes of exposition in order to guide the audience’s judgments and reactions. Aside- the character expresses his/her thoughts or intentions to the audience in a short speech. The other characters onstage cannot hear an aside. Foreshadowing- the use of clues to hint at events that will occur later in the plot.
Shakespearean Drama Vocabulary Page 4 Suspense- the uncertainty or anxiety that the audience feels about what is going to happen onstage. Simile- a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike things, using an explicit word such as like or as. Metaphor- a figure of speech that makes a comparison between two unlike things, in which one thing becomes another without the use of the words like or as.
Shakespearean Drama Vocabulary Page 5 Personification- a special kind of metaphor in which a nonhuman thing or quality is talked about as if it were human. Imagery- language that appeals to the senses. Pun- a play on words. The words are identical or similar in sound but have sharp diverse meaning. Allusion- a reference to a statement, person, place, event or thing that is known from literature, history, religion, myth, politics, sports, science, or pop culture.
Shakespearean Drama Vocabulary Page 6 Thrust stage- a stage that thrusts into the theater with the audience sitting on three or more sides. This is also known as an arena stage. Comic relief- humorous characters, situations, and scenes that Shakespeare uses to ease tension in his tragedies.
Shakespearean Drama Vocabulary Page 7 Farce- type of comedy in which ridiculous and often stereotyped characters are involved in far-fetched and very silly situations. Protagonist- chief characters that the audience’s interests centers on. Antagonist- the important opponent to the protagonist. The antagonist and protagonist are linked by conflict..
Shakespearean Drama Vocabulary Page 8 Conflict- a struggle or clash between opposing characters or between opposing forces. External conflict- the character struggles against an outside force. Internal conflict- the character experiences a struggle within his/her mind
Shakespearean Drama Vocabulary Page 9 Exposition- the part of a plot that reveals essential information about the characters and their problems or conflicts. Dramatic irony- when the audience knows something important that the characters are not aware of Situational irony- when what occurs onstage is the opposite of what the audience expects Verbal irony- when the character says one thing but means another
Archaic Vocabulary Page 10 ( These words’ meanings have disappeared from common use ) ‘a- he a’- on an’ & and- if but- if, or only hap or happy- luck or lucky
Archaic Vocabulary Page 11 ( These words’ meanings have disappeared from common use ) Jack- a common fellow, ordinary guy maid- young unmarried girl mark- listen Marry!- a mild oath nice- trivial, foolish owes- owns
Act I Vocabulary Page 12 humor- mood or moisture shrift- a confession; the forgiveness given by a priest for confessed sins. Soft!- Quiet! Hush! Slow up! Stop!
Act I Vocabulary Page 13 withal- with that; with Anon!- At once! Soon! Coming! Gooden- Good evening. crowkeeper- scarecrow Cholar - anger