Atlin/Taku Land Use Planning Update Presentation to Multiparty Workshop #3 March 6, 2009
2 Overview Technical Working Group’s “To Do List” from Workshop #2 Conduct Individual Stakeholder Meetings Improve understanding of interests Discuss plan-related concerns Prepare for Workshop #3 Improve or refine geology/mineral mapping products Develop new planning products Where are we in the planning process Ongoing Community and Stakeholder Engagement
3 Workshop #2 Well Attended 52 people to the Community Open House 43 people to the workshop
6 Stakeholder Meetings Throughout February Atlin (5 individuals/groups) and Vancouver (3 groups) Standard Agenda Confirm interests Discussion on Spatial Interests Potential Management Challenges March 2009 Workshop Questions/Concerns Meeting Summaries in participant package and to be posted to the Web.
7 Mineral Maps
8 Mineral Mapping Methodology Workshop held in Vancouver on February 20th for a half day BC, TRTFN, ENGOs, AMEBC Methodology reviewed Concerns with methodology acknowledged and discussed Not yet determined if a different representation of the data is required Meeting notes will be posted to the website.
9 Planning Products Principles, Goals and Objectives Drafts are available for review Comments by April 8 th Comments and responses to be posted to the website Please contact us if there are any questions Substantial work remains …
10 Where are we in the “Process” Pre-planning phase: Clarify roles and responsibilities (JLF, TWG) Develop and approve stakeholder engagement strategy Develop and approve work plan and timeline Compile base Resource Atlas iterative review new TRT data available at open house yesterday
11 Orientation and visioning: Sharing information about the planning process and the plan area Scope value, interests and issues to be addressed Finalized and confirmed in Workshop #3 Confirm planning sequence and timeframe Conduct initial stakeholder engagement and workshop
12 Information collection: Address gaps in the information base Undertake additional studies/research to address gaps Clarify policy and planning context Show values and interests on maps Workshop #3
13 Resource analyses and draft planning products (developed by TWG under JLF direction) Confirm scope of interests and issues to be addressed Finalized in Workshop #3 Develop draft framework of vision, principles, goals and objectives by resource value with SDM implementation Framework Completed (see CESMF)
14 Resource analyses and draft planning products (developed by TWG under JLF direction) Identify areas of high value (cultural, ecological, socio- economic) Decision Support Tool under development New information to be collected at this workshop Informed by Resource Atlas Develop land use zoning options Not yet initiated Workshop #3 is key Draft initial management direction Vision completed Work on principles, goals objectives initiated see package available for review
15 Stages Not yet initiated Compilation of plan and public review See stakeholder review package for goals and objectives Revisions to plan and public review Joint approvals Joint implementation
16 Community and Stakeholder Engagement Workshops #3 (March 09) Spatial interests, goals, objectives Workshop #4 (June 09) Draft Planning Products Workshop #5 (Nov 09) Draft Plan Ongoing Direct Engagement
Summary Of Interest Statements
18 Interest Statement Summary Compiled from submissions from the November workshop Provides guidance to ongoing land use plan development Reviewed in Stakeholder meetings in February Comments to the TWG by April 8th
19 Resource Management Direction for the Atlin-Taku Land Use Plan Draft Material for Stakeholder Review: Framework and Overview
20 Background Draft material prepared by the TWG for stakeholder review Draft material prepared by the TWG for stakeholder review Draft material was informed by: Draft material was informed by: Vision Statement TRTFN’s Ha Tlatgi Ha Kustiyihx Siti Provincial interests Stakeholder interest statements
21 Chapters Draft material includes 7 chapters: Draft material includes 7 chapters: Biodiversity & Wildlife Habitat Fish & Aquatic Habitat Culture & Heritage Regional Access Management Mineral Exploration & Development Forestry Recreation & Tourism
22 Components of Draft Chapters Each draft chapter contains: Each draft chapter contains: Context Management Issues Goals Objectives Complete chapters may also include: Complete chapters may also include: Indicators Targets Implementation direction
23 Context & Management Issues Context: Context: Descriptive text outlining the characteristics and importance of the resource value Management Issues Management Issues Existing or potential resource problems, concerns, or unrealized opportunities
24 Goals Broad descriptions of the desired long-term future condition of specific resources or resource values Broad descriptions of the desired long-term future condition of specific resources or resource values Example: The health, productivity and diversity of native species and ecosystems, including wildlife and their habitats are maintained.
25 Objectives Describe a desired future state for a particular resource or resource use. Describe a desired future state for a particular resource or resource use. Example: Maintain the water quality of Atlin Lake
26 Please Review! Questions for Reviewers: Questions for Reviewers: Is the scope of each section accurate and complete? If not, what changes or additions are needed? Please respond via or in writing to: Please respond via or in writing to: Bryan Evans, TRTFN TWG Team Leader James Cuell, BC TWG Team Leader Please respond by April 8, 2009 Please respond by April 8, 2009