Characters- force which moves along the plot human, animal, robot, etc.
Characters Protagonist the character(s) or force(s) around whom the story revolves typically is determined by the conflict and/or point of view, but not always for each conflict, there is one person or one group that plays the role of protagonist Romeo and Juliet To Kill a Mockingbird Great Gatsby In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Huck learns about injustices of life Romeo and Juliet learn about the passion of love Scout learned about the injustices of life Nick learns that everyone has an ounce of decency Atticus learned that he was right; doing the right thing is usually tough
Characters Antagonist the character(s) or force(s) who cause the conflict for the protagonist typically is determined by who/what the protagonist struggles with for each conflict, there is one force to act as the antagonist Romeo and Juliet To Kill a Mockingbird Great Gatsby In the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn society & its expectations challenge Huck’s piece of mind their parents act as obstacles to happiness Ignorance and bias prevent Scout from peace past tragedies haunt Jay until he is able to deal with them traditional ways prevent Atticus from being accepted And who/what the protagonist must overcome in order to reach the resolution fate and divine intervention seems to act against the lovers’ happiness
Characters Secondary Characters these are all the other characters who represent the supporting cast relations, friends, neighbors, professionals, non-professionals Inserted for logistical need Inserted for comparative analysis Inserted for character demonstration Inserted as a moral compass
Round or Flat Round = many sides to the character, fuller development Flat =single sided, more stereotyped What can the reader imply by the fact the author chooses to develop a character? Why might an author choose to stereotype a character?
Static or Dynamic Static = doesn’t change or evolve with the situation/times Dynamic = changing, evolving, developing The fact that a character changes implies much about his/her character. Does change always imply positive character trait?
Characterization- Epiphany Juxtaposition Catharsis Foil direct and subtle ways the author chooses to reveal his/her character. Why hold back information? direct- author directly tells readers what to think indirect- author provides information but the reader might choose to ignore it or judge the character based on the information provided