ANiC is a Reality
Anglican & Incorporated Connected to the Global Anglican Communion through the Primate Archbishop Greg Venables and the Province of the Southern Cone jurisdiction. Our Bishop and Moderator, Right Reverend Donald Harvey Committed to being Episcopally led and Synodically governed. ANiC is a legal entity, incorporated with a business number, charitable donation number and a functioning bank account. Member of Common Cause Partnership Artizo Institute: Individuals trained to be clergy ready & waiting for ordination and ministry ARDFC: Commitment to generosity and involvement beyond our borders.
Current Status of Members Yellow box shows current status Still part of ACC, but also ANiC - You have not left the ACC You are not under the jurisdiction of the Southern Cone until a parish vote is taken (or an election made by individuals)
Transition Status of Members By March New Structure Parishes & Individuals must vote or elect to join ANiC under the SC by March 1, 2008, or you will automatically become AEN (default)* *S ubject to AEC Re-Structuring
Future Vision Future Vision of the New Structure In the future, ANiC will be primarily for churches and AEN will be primarily for Individuals
Connection to the Global Anglican Church Southern Cone Archbishop Greg Venables Anglican Network In Canada (ANiC) Bishop Don Harvey Parish House Group Church Plant Common Cause Partnership Individual
Year One ANiC FOCUS BUILDING & OPERATING Filling the Church Parish Membership Church Plant Connecting individuals Doing Episcopal Ministry Ordinations Confirmations Establishing Episcopal Leadership & Synodical Governance structure and processes Structured Growth Central Services
ANiC – THE BUILD Building Blocks for Growth Theological Foundations Episcopal Structure Governance Central Services Structured Growth
ANiC Membership Members: Parishes, Emerging Congregations, House Groups, Individuals Process Congregational period of discernment Decision to apply or get more information Application Process Year One Reality: The 90 Day Grace period Fast transition required Application process a WIP
Year One ANiC: Operating Start Up Budget = $130,000 (Dec 07-March 08) Revenue based on individual donations Expense basic office set up Operating Budget = $750,000 (annual) Revenue Plan Assessments based on: 10/10/10 principle 10% Tithe of Parishioner to Parish 10% Tithe of Parish to ANiC 10% Tithe of ANiC to ARDFC & other Donations based on identified transition expenses Expense Plan Basic Administration Episcopal Ministry (0$ for Bishop’s Salary) Building the National Church First Synod Transitional Costs
Year One ANiC Structure Central Services Theological Foundation Episcopal Structure Governance Legal Structured Growth The Network ExecutiveBishop Don Harvey Executive Archdeacon effective April, 2008 Prolocutor effective April, 2008
People Network Executive Bishop Don Harvey, Cheryl Chang, Joyce Lee, Claus Lenk, David Short, George Sinclair, Trevor Walters, Key Resources (in addition to the Board) Servant Leadership Team & Regional Deans Bishop Malcolm Harding, Desiree Stedman, Dr. Packer Charlie Masters, Ron Bales, Joanne Lawrie Business Advisers Marilyn Jacobson
Year One ANiC Key Dates Exciting Firsts Church Memberships, November 23 rd, 2007 Ordinations December 2 nd, 2007 Celebration in Vancouver- April 25-27, Confirmations - TBD Church Plant- TBD First Synod – November 2008
The Invitation If you are a Parish: Enter into a period of discernment, pray, ask questions, consult with us, and seek an informed decision as a Parish by a formal meeting and vote. We recommend votes be held in February If you are a House Group: Enter into a period of discernment, pray, ask questions, and seek an informed decision. Let us know who you are. If you are an Individual: Prayerfully consider and apply for membership
Got Questions? Need Information? Ask Now Or Website: Phone: Mail: Box 189, Milton, Ontario, L9T 4N9