Experiences at the school of Medicine in Bamako by Abda Anne Retrieving medical information on the internet
Experience 1
Settings Target audience Residents doctors in Gyn/Obst Duration 12 hours : (3x4 hours) Participation Voluntary Evaluation No evaluation
1 st session : objectives By the end of the session you will Understand how internet function Know the different types of information on the internet Know who are the creators of the internet content Be aware of issues related information quality
2 nd session : objectives At the end of this session you will Know different criteria to evaluate health information Understand better the different steps in a information retrieval process Know how to search some search tools
3 rd session : objectives At the end of this session you will Have a better understanding of directory Be able to query a search engine Be abe to search a bibliographic database Have a better knowledge about MeSH Know how to use boolean operators
Information retrieval process Linear approch before, while (during), after searching Project approach Conception, planification, execution, evaluation Tasks: Understanding the needs, choosing the right tools, searching, evaluating, selecting, using the information
Exercise #7 Choose a topic for your research and answer the following question What type of information are you looking for ? For what audience are looking it for ? What this information will be used for ? What are the geographic regions you're interested in ? In which language ? How old this information should be ?
Exercise #2 Visit the following website Please answer the following questions : Who is the author ? For what public is meant for ? What type of content is it ? When was is created and updated ? Who sponsored the creation of the document ? How good is its presentation : structure & form ?
Experience #2
Settings Target audience Last year students Duration 4 hours Part of general course on Research Methodology (DPH) Participation Mandatory Evaluation No evaluation
Content Searching pubmed Using hinari Citing medical litterature (Vancouver style)