W. Namkung, 3 nd ILC Workshop, April 1, ILCSC Update 3rd ILC-Korea Workshop April 1, 2005 Kunkook University Seoul, Korea Won Namkung PAL/POSTECH, Korea
W. Namkung, 3 nd ILC Workshop, April 1, ICFA Website ILCSC Website
W. Namkung, 3 nd ILC Workshop, April 1, (a) GDE Director was recommended to ICFA Prof. Barry Barish of Caltech He accepted the post on March 18, 2005 (b) Host Laboratory was not selected: Barish proposed a virtual laboratory concept (C) Modified MOU was proposed Vancouver meeting on February 10, 2005
W. Namkung, 3 nd ILC Workshop, April 1, ICFA Members [Europe]: A. Wagner (DESY), B. Foster, R. Aymar (CERN), [USA]: M. Witherell (FNAL), S. Dawson, J. Dorfan (SLAC), [Japan]: S. Komamiya, Y. Totsuka (KEK), [Russia]: Y. Tikhhonov, V. Rubakov, [China]: H. Chen (IHEP), [Fourth Region]: D. Son, V. C. Sahni, S. Novaes, [Canada]: D. Karlen, [C11]: V. Luth (ex-officio), R. Rubinstein (Secretary)
W. Namkung, 3 nd ILC Workshop, April 1, ILCSC: Members Directors (5): KEK (Totsuka), CERN(Aymar), DESY (Wagner), FNAL (Wagner), SLAC (Dorfan) Steering Committee Chairs (3): ALCSC (Namkung), ELCSC (Foster), USLCSC (Ozaki) Others (7): Chair (Tigner, Cornell), China (Chen, IHEP) Russia (Skrinsky, BINP), Outside LC Region (Sahni, CAT) Asia (S. Komamiya), Euroupe (D. Miller), USA (P. Grannis)
W. Namkung, 3 nd ILC Workshop, April 1, ILCSC The primary role of the International Linear Collider Steering Committee is to promote the construction of an Electron-Positron Linear Collider through world-wide collaboration. In so doing the Committee will give particular attention to Outreach, Science, Technology and Organization of the LC project. The Steering Committee will report to ICFA. ***************************************************** Prof. Sugawara proposed to establish ILCSC at ICFA in February st Meeting (Amsterdam, July 2002): M. Tigner was appointed as Chair 2 nd Meeting (CERN, Geneva, October 2002): Oranization 3 rd Meeting (Tsukuba, February 2003): Report from ITRC, Parameters
W. Namkung, 3 nd ILC Workshop, April 1, ILCSC 4th Meeting (FNAL, Batavia, August 2003): Established TFT 5 th Meeting (Paris, November 2003): Established ITRP 6 th Meeting (Paris, February 2004): TFT Report Accepted 7 rd Meeting (Beijing, August 2004): ITRP Recommendation Received 8 th Meeting (KEK, November 2004): Review of ILC Workshoop 9 th Meeting (Vancouver, February 2005): Discussions on Central Team Director, Host Institute, and MOU 10 th Meeting (Frankfurt, May 10, 2005): GDE Director’s Report
W. Namkung, 3 nd ILC Workshop, April 1, ILCSC: Subcommittees Accelerators: Dugan, Yokoya, Yoshioka, Toge, Urakawa, Brinkmann, Guignard, Raubenheimer, Boussard Physics and Detectors: S. Komamiya, D. Miller, J. Brau Communications: J. Jackson ( FNAL) ********************************************************** Parameters and Scope: Komamiya, Son, Heuer, Richard, Grannis, Oreglia TFT: J. Dorfan, S. Ozaki, A. Wagner, B. Foster, Y. Totsuka, W. Namkung International Technology Recommendation Panel (ITRP): 12-persons, H. Suguwara, A. Masaike, K. Oide, and G. S. Lee Central Team Director Search: Y. Totsuka and D. Son Host Institute Evaluation: S. Komamiya and D. D. Bhawalkar