Definition and role of educational leadership Leadership is accomplishing something through other people that would not have happened if you weren’t there. And in today’s world, that’s less and less through command and control, and more and more through changing people’s mindset and hence altering the way they behave. Today, leadership is being able to mobilize ideas and values that energize other people.
Role of Educational Leadership Assist community to create and align the shared goals Guide community to articulate its values and beliefs Managing harmony Create consensus among participants and to describe how the individual roles and responsibilities of individuals merge into a collective
Institutionalizing values Convert the shared goals into operational plans for accomplishment Motivating Help participants find meaning in their work Encourage participants to accept increasing responsibility for making decisions about their work
Managing Manage and regulate the daily operation of the work place without interfering with instructional time Accomplish the routine tasks with minimal interruption of the participant’s teaching & learning responsibilities Explaining Explain the rationale for participant’s actions
Enabling Modeling Supervising To provide the opportunity and the mechanisms to achieve its shared goals Modeling Accepting responsibility as head follower by modeling purpose and values in thought, word and action E.G. To present and demonstrate new teaching strategies Supervising Apply formative assessment strategies to find out whether the vision is being met, and to make adjustments to keep the vision healthy
Manager leader as Information – Processing system As monitor – external inf As monitor – internal inf As nerve centre Disseminator Spokesman Strategy maker
Figure 1: The manager as Information-Processing System Manager as Monitor Internal information (trough leader role) from subordinates Manager as Monitor External information (through Liaison role) from contacts, informers, peers, and expert. Manager as Nerve Center Manager as Disseminator Information to Subordinates Manager as Spokesman Information to Outside Manager as Strategy Maker Information for making Models and plans for Identifying problems and opportunities Figure 1: The manager as Information-Processing System
A Summary of Administrative Roles and Activities Description Identifiable Activities from Study of Chief Executives Interpersonal Figurehead Symbolic head: obliged to perform a number of routine duties of a legal or social nature. Ceremony, status request, solicitations Leader Responsible for the motivation and activation of subordinates; responsible for staffing, training, and associated duties Virtually all managerial activities involving subordinates Liaison Maintains self-developed network of outside contacts and informers who provide favors and information. Acknowledgments of mail; external board work; other activities involving outsiders
Identifiable Activities from Study of Chief Executives Role Description Identifiable Activities from Study of Chief Executives Informational Monitor Seeks and receives wide variety of special information (much of it current) to develop thorough understanding of organization and environment; emerges as nerve center of internal and external information of the organization Handling all mail and contact. Categorized as concerned primarily with receiving information (eg: periodical news, observational tours) Disseminator Transmits information received from outsiders or from other subordinates to members of the organization; some information factual, some involving interpretation and integration of diverse value positions of organizational influence. Forwarding mail into organization for informational purposes, verbal contacts involving information flow to subordinates (eg: review sessions, instant communication flows) Spokeperson Transmits information to outsiders on organization’s plans, policies, actions, results, etc; serves as expert on organization’s industry Board meeting; handling mail and contacts involving transmission of information to outsiders
Identifiable Activities from Study of Chief Executives Role Description Identifiable Activities from Study of Chief Executives Decisional Entrepreneur Searches organization and its environment for opportunities and initiates “improvement projects” to bring about change; supervises design of certain project as well. Strategy and review sessions involving initiation or design of improvement projects. Disturbance Handler Responsible for corrective action when organization faces important, unexpected disturbances. Strategy and review sessions involving disturbances and crises. Resource Allocator Responsible for the allocation of organizational resources of all kinds – in effect the making or approval of all significant organizational decisions. Scheduling; requests for authorization; any activity involving budgeting and the programming of subordinates’ work. Negotiator Responsible for representing the organization at major negotiations. Negotiation.
Why Leadership Is Important? Effective leadership encompasses seven foundation competencies -Managing self -Managing communication -Managing diversity -Managing ethics -Managing across cultures -managing teams -managing change
Introduction: Leadership and Management Management is being able to develop a plan and manage according to the plan within a relatively short time horizon of one or two years
Leadership is having the vision of knowing where to take your school over a longer haul, having that vision and setting the direction, getting everybody enthused about meeting the longer term goals, meeting the philosophies of the school and really making employees feel it (goals) inside them.
A true leadership capability is where he can go infront of a group of people – talking to them enthused about things, setting the direction and getting the people to understand the goals
Is leadership a trait that can be taught or is a person born with it? It is a combination of both,It used to be said that leadership is something a person is born with. There is some truth in it esp. in small children
But leadership also can be learned, and it has to be practiced Conclusion: It is a combination of both
and Managers are peaple who do things right (efficient) Leaders are people who do the right things (effective)