Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem It is held that Muhammad rose to heaven at the spot where the mosque is now built
Dome of the Rock Jerusalem= 3 rd most imp. City for Muslims Believe Abraham almost sacrificed Ishmael on the rock. Rock is the first thing that god created.
Kaaba, Mecca (Saudi Arabia) Kaaba Great Mosque
Mecca Only Muslims allowed on Hajj Center of Islam—most important city Wear white to symbolize purity, equality. Place where Muhammad grew up
Hajj: one of the five pillars
Hajj on CNN TME&feature=related TME&feature=related
Taj Mahal, India A mausoleum built by Muslim Emperor for his 3 rd wife—she died giving birth to 14 th child.
Mosque (Northbrook, Il) Minaret: used for the call to prayer * In Sunni mosques the Imam is the leader
Call to Prayer pQ pQ Occurs five times a day There is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his messenger. Need to wash up (if possible)
Need to wash up before prayer
Pray five times a day
Five pillars 1) Public declaration of faith to Allah and Islam. 2) Pray 5 times a day facing Mecca (purify first). In mosque there is call to prayer. 3) Charity (Zakat)
Five pillars 4) Fast during Ramadan: The month during which Muhammad received the Koran. 5) Hajj: Journey to Mecca Also: Haramm: dietary laws (No Pork, Alcohol)
History The angel Gabriel is saying the Koran to the prophet Muhammad.
Dress The Quran demands that both men and women dress modestly –Hijab is head covering. Western clothing “objectifies” women How modest varies by nation or woman to woman.
Muslim swimwear
Women’s rights In some nations there is severe inequality (Saudi Arabia or Afghanistan). Women need a male guardian to make decisions about marriage, travel, divorce, opening a bank account, job. Child marriage can happen Not allowed to drive.
Arranged marriage Muslim men and women not allowed to date. Not allowed to be alone. Not allowed to have physical intimacy before marriage. Marriages are often arranged through parents. Usually both the man and woman need to consent. Polygamy is rare but allowed according to Quran as long as certain restrictions are met.