Important Stuff B.A. History CLU – Thousand Oaks 12 th year teaching, 8 th at CV Social Science Dept. Co-Chair Graduate of Notre Dame HS, Sherman Oaks Married with 3 boys ComedySportz advisor How is your child doing? Grades are posted by Period and ID outside.
What You Need to Know Covers Colonial Era to present day Required course for CV Diploma Required course for A-G requirements Required course for any college HS course, but I aim for college readiness Plus, it’s fun!
How Can My Student Pass the Class? Attend Class Participate – ask questions Be respectful Complete all work – make an attempt Turn that work in to be graded Actually STUDY for a test! Enjoy learning new stuff
How Can I Help My Child? Encourage Them! Make sure they have a quiet place to study at home Monitor your child’s progress, but don’t hover! Encourage Them! Let them make mistakes – that’s how they learn
My Philosophy Every child can pass this class Every child has the ability to learn Juniors need to learn to speak for themselves and make mistakes The student who doesn’t pass with an A, B, or C is the student who fails to turn in work.
Work Homework is Monday through Thursday. Chapter Notes – one section or half of a section per night Time? 30 min-1 hour NO homework on Friday, unless it is a long-term project or studying for a test In class – lecture, discussions, activities, movies, projects Homework is collected in a “Notebook” on the day of a test – 1 week notice LATE work is not accepted
Textbook History Alive!
Grading Scale Notebook/Homework 40% Tests 30% Projects 20% Participation 10%
Extra Credit?
Freedom of Speech (FOS) Board Current Event 2 points per week Write an opinion and explain it to the class Weekly activity
4 extra credit questions along with test
Classroom Passes
Extra Help/Tutoring I am available for students to come for help The best tutors – fellow students Science and Medicine Academy offers tutoring during the week – FREE! Grades are posted frequently and I can your child’s grade sheet upon an request
CVHS Website Important work – not for a daily HW list Downloadable handouts Not a crutch, but a learning aide I expect my students to write down their homework when they are in my classroom It is their job to learn to be responsible – again, getting ready for college
How to Contact Mr. Hall Phone 818/ x2312 Website
Please take a Post-It from the front board to help out with classroom needs and wishes! I would really appreciate it! Thank you for your help!
Thanks for coming tonight!