Three different types of Tundra’s Arctic Tundra, Alpine Tundra, and Antarctic Tundra Little to no trees Vegetation It is more Mountainous rather than flatlands Geological Features
Temperature It’s cold through all the months. It never gets any warmer than 45-50° F. The tundra gets about 6-10 inches of rain a year. The average temperature for the warmest months is below 50° F.
Plant Life The vegetation of tundra is mostly herbaceous, consisting of a mixture of lichens, mosses, grasses, and forbs, along with some dwarf shrubs and trees. There is a permanently frozen layer of soil called permafrost generally prevents water infiltration.
Animal Life Large grazing musk ox are resident, while caribou and reindeer are migratory. Predators include bears, wolves, and foxes. Migratory birds use tundra intensely during the summer as nesting grounds.
Human Impact The tundra is sparsely settled but has become the focus of significant mineral and oil extraction in recent years.
Commercial Value Mining for minerals and extracting oil are the only two values that humans receive from the tundra’s of the world