Argentina By Arafa b. Ahmad
Language and ethnicity The language in Argentina is Spanish Argentina is the fourth largest country in south America Argentina has many ethnic groups such as Croats,welsh,dutch,czechs,and Scandinavians
Religion belief system 63% of Argentina doesn’t follow a organized religion. the Jewish population is about 300,000.that is about 2% of Argentina's population. 500, ,000 are Muslims. 93% of them are Sunni.
Customs of tradition National dress of Argentina is a gaucho (cowboy suite) and a chiripa,witch is usually worn with a poncho. A national holiday in Argentina is the carnival.
Economic activity Farming Raising animal on the ranch Companies shops
Political system Argentina has a federal/democracy political system. This system has multiple political parties. There are two main political parties but still has small political parties.
Educational value In Argentina,education is highly valued It is believed in Argentina national education system promotes unity. School uniform is a white lab coat which the students wear over their regular close
Art and music Argentina’s art (paintings and sculpture)was influenced by Europeans by the 19 th century. A famous type of dance in argentina is a tango.
technology Argentina is well-developed in technology. The only difference is that Argentina has a different standard of living.
recreation playing basketball, football, cricket Swimming Jogging Soccer Polo(horseback riding)
Food/flag Argentina's dessert is usually empanada. Argentina’s flag is a blue and white stripes with a sun in the middle
bibliography Argentina." Argentina. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov "Google Images." Google Images. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov "Google." Google. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Nov