By Aaliyah Springer
Before Britain there was nothing but ice, this was the ice age. Eventually the heat began to rise and things from as small as a leaf to a tree started to emerge from the melting ice. Then the water level rose and the island seperated which created BRITAIN! The island only in seperated 6,000BC.
Foragers for food The first humans in britain wern’t your average human being. They were most known for hunting and gathering food they did this for the night. All humans stuck together as a family in those times because you were always moving on in search of the food.These early people arrived in BC and had to cope years before they founded how to make srears. Imagine what it must of been like not being able to catch food.
What they ate !
The first domestic pet The first pet was a dog and it came from the breed of wolves. Neolithic people thought that by feeding a young wolf they showed trust which made the wolf stay with them and the wolf would see the person as their pack leader. As years went on the wolf would protect the people and their cave they would also be able to hunt, so it made surviving easier.
Cave paintings Cave paintings were very imprortant in stone age times because the people beleived that by drawing a certain animal they wanted to catch on the cave wall they were giving it life to come to the people for a offering of food.
Skara Brae’s Start 3000BC a stone age village was uncovered, this is SKARA BRAE ! This amazing thing has 8 houses in total. Each house had a fire pit in the centre and most off them had dressers that were used to piles man made pots and things like that. they all had maximum of 2 beds in each;1 for the man 1 for the women and children.
All about the houses All the houses are very interesting. House7 apparently was built on the bodies of 2 women. It is said that house seven is the oldest house there. Did you know that the door could only be locked and unlocked from the outside. This house was suggested to be a graveyard because bodies were found and it could only locked and opened from the outside so this does support the theory.
Long barrow This is a house type thing that neolithians burried there ancestors or lost one. They never leave a whole body its mostly just skulls and long bones.
Grimes Graves Grime’s Graves is the only Neolithic flint mine open to visitors in Britain. This grassy landscape of 400 pits was first named Grim’s Graves by the Anglo-Saxons. It was not until one of them was opened in 1870, they were identified as flint mines, dug over 5,000 years ago.
Stonehenge Stonehenge is one of the most famous monuments in the whole of Europe. The circle was aligned with the midsummer sunrise, the midwinter sunset, and the most southerly rising and northerly setting of the moon. Stonehenge required more than thirty million hours of labour.