SADC Rhino Management Group Dr Mike Knight: Chair Dr Richard Emslie: Specialist member (& IUCN SSC AfRSG Scientific Officer)
Africa’s black rhinos SA= 39% 1,915
Africa’s white rhinos SA= 93% 18,800
South Africa’s importance More rhinos than any other country in the world Conserves 82.7% of Africa’s rhino Private sector in South Africa conserves slightly more rhinos than whole of rest of Africa m Great success story, until recently…ore than whole of rest of Africa
18 yrs : Avg 0.03 / day
Massive escalation in poaching since 2007
% % Previous % % Annual Increase
2010 Steady Increase 2010
2011 average 2010 similar to last 4 months 2010 (2011 only +1.2%)
Leveling off for most of 2011 with spike before Christmas Rapid escalation till end of 2010
Despite poaching numbers still increasing
Average annual growth
Minus poaching
Minus additional pseudo-hunting
Rate of poaching escalation key.. Currently we are still winning (6.9% average net growth with 2.2% poaching) but from poaching increased +173% in one year = CRISIS - If that rate of escalation had continued (and we had +90 more rhinos hunted/year than normal due to psuedohunting) numbers would have started to decline by Thankfully the big effort in response has dampened the rate of poaching increase. Poaching escalation rate Decline starts +35% escalation ( ) % (end2010-end2011) 2018 Some success but unless we manage to halt the continued escalation in poaching we will eventually lose all our rhino.
The problem and solutions The very high black market prices and demand for horn in SE Asia is what is fuelling the escalation in poaching and the psuedohunting. If we could reduce black market prices in SE Asia this should reduce illegal demand and reduce poaching. To reduce poaching we need to try to increase costs for poachers and reduce the rewards they get. Improved law enforcement and prosecutions … but problem of organised crime – there are always more to fill places of those convicted. Permanent NWCRU but need for more cooperation – priority crime! Need for improved detection at airports, ports, post etc.
Problems & possible solutions Control psuedohunting and illegal hunting Problems with current permit and hunting control and supervision system especially NW and Limpopo. Urgent need to establish national integrated & secure database & permitting system (numbers, movt, stocks, hunts). Increase law enforcement, intelligence & penalties. ESPECIALLY needed to stop poachers before they kill. Important to create incentives for pvt sector & communities & encourage buy in (security of information + amnesty) Biological management & monitoring Live sales and legitimate hunting positive & important
Issues and recommendations International collaboration VietNam, China, Mozambique Monitoring of rhino, movements, horns (use DNA) Legal trade suggested as possible way to reduce black market price and poaching and increase incentives and resources for successful conservation? Supported by majority of delegates at WR BMP W/S but detail required. 2/3rds at CITES? ( Policing & prevention of laundering, problems of SA pvt sector and psuedohunting) Alternatives also been proposed (education, dehorning, treating, encourage use of substitutes, more LE etc) Need for more detail and to critically evaluate pros and cons of all options