Communication Strategy Implementation Outreach and Education Committee November 2003
Zero waste—you make it happen! Part of everything we do Culture shift Board must be the model Walking the walk
Marketing Task Force Identify board-wide outreach activities Coordinate efforts Maximize program effectiveness
Building a campaign Campaign financing Systems approach Earned media Guest articles, promotional tools, opinion/editorials New media
Systems approach to zero waste branding Automatic, decentralized approach Every CIWMB-sponsored outreach opportunity will disseminate message Incorporate clear, unambiguous language into RFP/RFQ boilerplate Where appropriate, Scopes of Work will address branding, as will Publications Guide
Systems approach… Concurrent with existing Board logo requirements; Zero Waste addressed in Grant Agreement and Standard Agreement boilerplate Possible consideration for Zero Waste in future grant application packages Clip art and standardized templates Prescriptive and performance-based approaches
Communication inventory A systematic review of all Board outreach programs would identify opportunities for internal cooperative marketing activities and efficiencies, and insure consistent and uniform branding of these efforts across all programs.
Inventory summary 50 separate projects Many include multiple activities $2.67 million in contracts Existing and planned Not including grants More than half: staff resources only OPA planning calendar
Public awareness campaign financing Typically requires discretionary funding Significant resources allocated to public awareness efforts through grant funding Possible umbrella campaign Private partners
Grant-funded campaign scenario Agency with social marketing credentials Develops, manages, evaluates Grantees implement (subcontractors) Agency oversees grantee activities Agency conducts pre- and post- campaign research
Events calendar Goal Design an automated events calendar to enhance the ability of stakeholders to participate in the Board’s deliberative processes.
Events calendar Benefits of the New System Single pot of data All staff can enter events Required information Database driven Faster posting of events