1 1 Becoming an attractive employer for future employees Workshop on HRM and Training in Statistical Offices September 2010, Geneva Heidi Torstensen Division for Human Resources, Statistics Norway
2 Purpose of the study To discuss –The strategy of becoming an attractive employer –The importance of employer branding –How Statistics Norway is perceived among students –The most attractive communication channels
3 The strategy of becoming an attractive employer In 2007 Statistics Norway decided upon a strategy for human resources as a sub strategy of the overall strategy document “Strategy 2007”. Highlighted the importance of becoming an attractive employer: –must offer competitive salaries, particularly compared to other public bodies –focus on recruiting and retaining well-qualified staff –the importance of well qualified managers –opportunities for career development shall be emphasised –flexible working hours and the opportunity to work or continue education abroad shall be actively promoted
4 The importance of employer branding “the image of the organization as an attractive place to work in the minds of current employees and key stakeholders in the external market ” (Minchington, 2005) Steps to ensure Employer Branding effectiveness: Research Employer Value Proposition Communication Plan Communication Material Action Source: the Universum Group (external consultant)
5 Research External research The Universum Student Survey (2008) Higher scores on –The employer reputation and image (4,14 / 5-point scale) –The people and culture (3,82 / 5-point scale) Lower score on –The remuneration and advancement opportunities (3,04 / 5-point scale) Challenges –offer of competitive salaries, opportunities for career development
6 Statistics Norway’s Employer Attractiveness Source: The Universum Student Survey (2008)
7 Internal research Statistics Norway’s employee job satisfaction survey (2010) Overall satisfaction score –78 per cent (slight improvement from the previous year (76 per cent in 2007) High scores on –work in a good academic environment (84 per cent) –work tasks are useful (88 per cent) –proud to work at Statitstics Norway ( 74 per cent) Challenges –seek other work outside Statistics Norway (37 per cent)
8 Employer value proposition The objective of employer value proposition –is to define a set of values, associations and offerings that characterize company as an employer Statistics Norway Personnel Policy 2001 decided on values Reliability Equality Cooperation Openness Loyalty Challenges –Values were created a decade ago and might need new focus –Values need to be better communicated to the external and internal audiences, as not all of the current and prospect employees can easily recall them
9 Communication plan Top 5 - Preferred communication channels in Norway: Company presentations on campus Company websites Career fairs Acquaintances employed by the company Career websites/Internet job boards Top 5 - How the students attracted to Statistics Norway have learned about us: Articles in newspapers and magazines Career fairs Company websites Advertisement in print media Don't know Source: The Universum Student Survey (2008)
10 Statistics Norway is planning to use preferred communication channels: –Company presentations on campus - in universities in Norway / Sweden –Company career website – currently in the process of development –Career fairs – career days at universities, various career events such as economist days, research days etc. – Career websites on internet – advertisements on popular career websites Statistics Norway is collaborating with primary / secondary schools Communication plan
11 Communication material At career events: –Flyers, brochures, booklets, recent publishing –Face to face discussion by company’s representatives to prospect candidates On the website: –Information about the company –Success stories from our employees Articles in newspapers and magazines Advertisements in print media
12 Action/measures Statistics Norway can look at some of the measures when evaluating its employer branding activities: –Attractiveness among a specific target group –Number of applications with right profile received per position –Percentage of satisfied employees –Employee turnover –The image as a producer of statistics
13 Concluding points: Statistics Norway has a high profile in media as the source for official statistics in Norway Statistics Norway may benefit from this publicity as an employer Employer branding for us is to emphasise Statistics Norway as an attractive employer with satisfied employees in a changing and learning environment.