MariFish External Communications Strategy
Aim of strategy To ensure that MariFish communication activities are: –focused on priorities –targeted on key stakeholders –co-ordinated
Objectives of external communications MariFish could aspire to: –increase stakeholders’ understanding of key fisheries management issues requiring research –build awareness of MariFish among key stakeholders –improve linkages between funders of research, researchers and fisheries managers –develop links with other relevant ERA-NETS
Key stakeholders Who does MariFish want to communicate with? –European Commission –Member States policy makers –ICES –Researchers –Regional Fisheries Managers –Fishing industry –Environmentalists
Key messages What does MariFish want to communicate to each stakeholder? Key messages should flow from communication objectives
Communication channels How does MariFish want to communicate? –Briefings –Website –Press releases –Scientific papers –Articles in stakeholders’ newsletters
Who/what/how? Illustration: Stakeholder: researchers Key message: MariFish has identified XXX as priorities for research Communication channel: workshop reports published on MariFish website
MariFish communication principles Ensuring communications are stakeholder focused Avoiding raising expectations above what MariFish can deliver Using ‘Plain English’ for non-scientists Giving clear information eg on research priorities Keeping up a steady flow of information
How does MariFish want others to see it? Open Professional Listening In touch with issues Forward thinking Co-ordinated with a common purpose Taking the lead in identifying research priorities Capable of finding appropriate responses to problems Authoritative, influential, an effective strong voice Delivering what it promises Efficient in using taxpayers’ money
Ways of working MariFish needs to agree: Who speaks/writes for MariFish? Do comments/ articles etc need to be cleared – by whom? Who clears what goes on the public website? How will logo and branding be used? Etc
External communication risks MariFish fails to co-ordinate or deliver communications because not all members co-operate Stakeholders’ expectations are raised to a level that MariFish can’t deliver Initiatives are started that can’t be sustained Resources needed to achieve effective, high quality communications are under-estimated Pressure of work diverts admirable intentions…..