Conservation of Apis mellifera from Africanized hybrids Amy Schabel.


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Presentation transcript:

Conservation of Apis mellifera from Africanized hybrids Amy Schabel

Background on Honeybees Honeybee Bumble bee

Why are honeybees important?

Honeybee Genetics Queen, Worker, Drone The Queen

Africanized Honeybee Hybrids that are creating competition and inbreeding

Genetic Impacts on the Honeybee Decrease amount of individuals with each generation Hybrids taking over colonies and the genetic diversity of Apis mellifera

Objectives To see if the bottle neck and genetic drifts were impacting Apis mellifera’s genetic make up. Specifically looked at heterozygosity to see if has been impacted by the hybrids by: Compare H o and H e of different populations Comapre H o between lineages Comapre H o between Africanized and Non- Africanized colony populations

Methods Research articles and books for more knowledge on the honeybee itself and the genetic impacts the honeybee is going through.

Conclusion t-ratio = 7.40 p < 0.05

Conclusion F = p < 0.05

Conclusion F =24.11 p < 0.05

Discussion Heterozygosity of Apis mellifera is decreasing due to the Africanized hybrid. The Africanized honeybee are spreading at a high rate, taking over Apis melliferas’ colonies. A decrease in honeybees leads to a decrease in genetic diversity of bees and plants and will also impact the economics of our country.

Discussion Conservation tactics should be taken to preserve the genetics of this species. Also research into parasites and pesticides should be done to further investigate colony collapse incidents.