East & North Herts CCG Dr Tony Kostick Chair
Who we are Locality Number of Practices Locality Population Upper Lea Valley 16124,635 Lower Lea Valley 873,152 Stevenage 990,281 North Hertfordshire 12111,384 Welwyn Hatfield 9111,067 Stort Valley & Villages 651,835
CCG Budget CCG is not responsible for commissioning GP & Pharmacy services
Priorities Working to improve outcomes for frail elderly, patients with Long Term Medical Conditions (LTC) and End of Life Care Developing a culture of proactive management of frail elderly and patients with LTCs Facilitating self-management and promoting personal health planning for frail elderly and patients with LTCs
Work Underway Home First Acute In Hours Visiting Service Care of Elderly Investing in Primary Care Smoking Obesity
Care Home Issues Increased workload Increased level of dependency There were approximately 2182 emergency admissions from nursing and residential homes in 2012/ emergency admissions were for 1 day or less (34% )
Model Future Care Multi Disciplinary Teams – Care of the Elderly Consultants included Rapid assessment and turnaround Improved Care pathways including end of life support Single Practice partnerships Improved integration of physical & mental health services especially regarding dementia